Ambulatory assessment in psychopathology research: Current achievements and future ambitions
Ambulatory assessment (AA)–a collection of methods that aim to track individuals in the
realm of everyday life via repeated self-reports or passive mobile sensing–is well …
realm of everyday life via repeated self-reports or passive mobile sensing–is well …
Expertise in emotion: A sco** review and unifying framework for individual differences in the mental representation of emotional experience.
Expertise refers to outstanding skill or ability in a particular domain. In the domain of
emotion, expertise refers to the observation that some people are better at a range of …
emotion, expertise refers to the observation that some people are better at a range of …
Complex affect dynamics add limited information to the prediction of psychological well-being
Over the years, many studies have demonstrated a relation between emotion dynamics and
psychological well-being. Because our emotional life is inherently time-dynamic,,,–, affective …
psychological well-being. Because our emotional life is inherently time-dynamic,,,–, affective …
Differentiate to regulate: Low negative emotion differentiation is associated with ineffective use but not selection of emotion-regulation strategies
Emotion differentiation, which involves experiencing and labeling emotions in a granular
way, has been linked with well-being. It has been theorized that differentiating between …
way, has been linked with well-being. It has been theorized that differentiating between …
Mix it to fix it: Emotion regulation variability in daily life.
Emotion regulation (ER) strategies are often categorized as universally adaptive or
maladaptive. However, it has recently been proposed that this view is overly simplistic …
maladaptive. However, it has recently been proposed that this view is overly simplistic …
Why do my thoughts feel so bad? Getting at the reciprocal effects of rumination and negative affect using dynamic structural equation modeling.
Rumination means to perseveratively think about one's negative feelings and problems. It is
a response to affective distress that is often referred to as maladaptive emotion regulation …
a response to affective distress that is often referred to as maladaptive emotion regulation …
Emotion differentiation and behavioral dysregulation in clinical and nonclinical samples: A meta-analysis.
Behavioral dysregulation that may manifest as the use of maladaptive behaviors aimed at
regulating or avoiding distress, despite potential negative health consequences, is central to …
regulating or avoiding distress, despite potential negative health consequences, is central to …
Neuroticism may not reflect emotional variability
Neuroticism is one of the major traits describing human personality, and a predictor of
mental and physical disorders with profound public health significance. Individual …
mental and physical disorders with profound public health significance. Individual …
Emotion differentiation and youth mental health: Current understanding and open questions
EC Nook - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 - frontiersin.org
A growing body of research identifies emotion differentiation—the ability to specifically
identify one's emotions—as a key skill for well-being. High emotion differentiation is …
identify one's emotions—as a key skill for well-being. High emotion differentiation is …
Gaining clarity about emotion differentiation
Emotion differentiation captures the detail with which people describe their emotional
experiences. A compelling body of research has linked low and negative emotion …
experiences. A compelling body of research has linked low and negative emotion …