A systematic review of the teacher expectation literature over the past 30 years
This review aimed to illustrate the development in the teacher expectation literature and
discuss the major avenues of research in the teacher expectation field from 1989 to 2018 …
discuss the major avenues of research in the teacher expectation field from 1989 to 2018 …
Psychology and indigenous people
Whether there are common features inherent to the psychology of Indigenous peoples
around the globe has been the subject of much debate. We argue that Indigenous peoples …
around the globe has been the subject of much debate. We argue that Indigenous peoples …
[КНИГА][B] Toward an Australian culturally responsive pedagogy: A narrative review of the literature
This narrative literature review focuses on the theme of culturally responsive pedagogy, with
an emphasis on the Australian context. Since the British colonisation of Australia, Aboriginal …
an emphasis on the Australian context. Since the British colonisation of Australia, Aboriginal …
A synthesis of funds of identity research: Purposes, tools, pedagogical approaches, and outcomes
L Hogg, M Volman - Review of Educational Research, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This review illuminates the growing body of funds of identity (FoI) scholarship and explores
its contribution to breaking down deficit thinking and enhancing the inclusivity and equity of …
its contribution to breaking down deficit thinking and enhancing the inclusivity and equity of …
Anti-deficit narratives: Engaging the politics of research on mathematical sense making
AP Adiredja - Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2019 - pubs.nctm.org
This article identifies a self-sustaining system of deficit narratives about students of color as
an entry point for studies of cognition to engage with the sociopolitical context of …
an entry point for studies of cognition to engage with the sociopolitical context of …
Relations between teachers' achievement, over-and underestimation, and students' beliefs for Māori and Pākehā students
Abstract In the New Zealand context, the indigenous Māori group achieve below their
Pākehā (European) peers in most academic subjects. The gap begins early in elementary …
Pākehā (European) peers in most academic subjects. The gap begins early in elementary …
Psicología y pueblos indígenas
La pregunta sobre la existencia de características comunes inherentes a la psicología de
los pueblos Indígenas de todo el mundo ha sido objeto de mucho debate. Nosotros …
los pueblos Indígenas de todo el mundo ha sido objeto de mucho debate. Nosotros …
[КНИГА][B] Teacher expectations in education
C Rubie-Davies - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The influence of teacher expectations on student outcomes is routinely explored by
professors, administrators, teachers, researchers, journalists, and scholars. Written by a …
professors, administrators, teachers, researchers, journalists, and scholars. Written by a …
Culturally responsive middle leadership for equitable student outcomes
Middle leaders are important conduits for school policy and are often required to lead,
champion and monitor change initiatives in their departments. This paper examines …
champion and monitor change initiatives in their departments. This paper examines …
Grou** practices in New Zealand mathematics classrooms: Where are we at and where should we be?
G Anthony, R Hunter - New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 2017 - Springer
The practice of grou** mathematics students by perceived levels of attainment, commonly
referred to by teachers as ability grou**, is a contentious and long-standing topic of …
referred to by teachers as ability grou**, is a contentious and long-standing topic of …