Geographic information retrieval: Progress and challenges in spatial search of text
Significant amounts of information available today contain references to places on earth.
Traditionally such information has been held as structured data and was the concern of …
Traditionally such information has been held as structured data and was the concern of …
Keyword search on large graphs: A survey
J Yang, W Yao, W Zhang - Data Science and Engineering, 2021 - Springer
With the prevalence of Internet access and online services, various big graphs are
generated in many real applications (eg, online social networks and knowledge graphs). An …
generated in many real applications (eg, online social networks and knowledge graphs). An …
Spatial keyword search: a survey
Spatial keyword search has been playing an indispensable role in personalized route
recommendation and geo-textual information retrieval. In this light, we conduct a survey on …
recommendation and geo-textual information retrieval. In this light, we conduct a survey on …
Inverted linear quadtree: Efficient top k spatial keyword search
With advances in geo-positioning technologies and geo-location services, there are a
rapidly growing amount of spatio-textual objects collected in many applications such as …
rapidly growing amount of spatio-textual objects collected in many applications such as …
Location-and keyword-based querying of geo-textual data: a survey
With the broad adoption of mobile devices, notably smartphones, keyword-based search for
content has seen increasing use by mobile users, who are often interested in content related …
content has seen increasing use by mobile users, who are often interested in content related …
Temporal spatial-keyword top-k publish/subscribe
Massive amount of data that are geo-tagged and associated with text information are being
generated at an unprecedented scale. These geo-textual data cover a wide range of topics …
generated at an unprecedented scale. These geo-textual data cover a wide range of topics …
Efficient and privacy-preserving spatial keyword similarity query over encrypted data
As a popular and practical query type in location-based services, the spatial keyword query
has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. Meanwhile, with the growing …
has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. Meanwhile, with the growing …
Parallel semantic trajectory similarity join
Matching similar pairs of trajectories, called trajectory similarity join, is a fundamental
functionality in spatial data management. We consider the problem of semantic trajectory …
functionality in spatial data management. We consider the problem of semantic trajectory …
Interactive top-k spatial keyword queries
Conventional top-k spatial keyword queries require users to explicitly specify their
preferences between spatial proximity and keyword relevance. In this work we investigate …
preferences between spatial proximity and keyword relevance. In this work we investigate …
Efficient algorithms for answering the m-closest keywords query
As an important type of spatial keyword query, the m-closest keywords (m CK) query finds a
group of objects such that they cover all query keywords and have the smallest diameter …
group of objects such that they cover all query keywords and have the smallest diameter …