[PDF][PDF] Digital watermarking: A tutorial review

SP Mohanty - URL: http://www. csee. usf. edu/~ smohanty …, 1999 - informatika.stei.itb.ac.id
The growth of high speed computer networks and that of Internet, in particular, has explored
means of new business, scientific, entertainment, and social opportunities. Ironically, the …

Invisibility and application functionalities in perceptual watermarking an overview

C De Vleeschouwer, JF Delaigle… - Proceedings of the …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Digital watermarking consists of hiding subliminal information into digital media content, also
called host data. It can be the basis of many applications, including security and media asset …

[Књига][B] Digital watermarking and steganography

I Cox, M Miller, J Bloom, J Fridrich, T Kalker - 2007 - books.google.com
Digital audio, video, images, and documents are flying through cyberspace to their
respective owners. Unfortunately, along the way, individuals may choose to intervene and …

Circular interpretation of bijective transformations in lossless watermarking for media asset management

C De Vleeschouwer, JF Delaigle… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The need for reversible or lossless watermarking methods has been highlighted in the
literature to associate subliminal management information with losslessly processed media …

Benchmarking of image watermarking algorithms for digital rights management

B Macq, J Dittmann, EJ Delp - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We discuss the issues related to image watermarking benchmarking and scenarios based
on digital rights management requirements. We show that improvements are needed in …

Watermarking and transferring material

JJ Stone, JC Pelly, P Gugenheim, I Delacour… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for watermarking and transferring watermarked material
comprises a transaction server, first and second cli ents, first apparatus for applying a …

Watermarks for secure distribution of digital data

I Rodriguez - US Patent 7,349,553, 2008 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS symmetric keys. A distribution entity embeds the visible first
watermark in the media content using the first watermark A 9, 1997 Auerbach et al …

Robust watermarking based on the war** of predefined triangular patterns

P Bas, JM Chassery, BMM Macq - Security and Watermarking …, 2000 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Numerical information is volatile and watermarking is a solution to assist copyright
protection. During the detection step, the synchronization of the mark is a great problem …

Dynamic wavelet feature-based watermark

W Zhou, P Sagetong - US Patent 7,366,909, 2008 - Google Patents
Provisional application No. 60/376,092, filed on Apr.(57) 29, 2002. A dynamic wavelet
feature-based watermark for use with (51) Int. Cl. digital video. Scene change detection …

Artificial neural network based automatic cardiac abnormalities classification

SI Niwas, RSS Kumari… - … Applications (ICCIMA'05), 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Automatic detection and classification of cardiac arrhythmias from a limited number of ECG
signals is of considerable importance in critical care or operating room patient monitoring …