[SÁCH][B] Comparative government and politics

R Hague, M Harrop, J McCormick - 2004 - Springer
Early in the 1950s my parents tired of summer holidays mostly spent on chilly wind-swept
beaches and embarked, with hire car, tents, and four young children, on what was, in the …

[SÁCH][B] Revolution stalled: The political limits of the Internet in the post-Soviet sphere

S Oates - 2013 - books.google.com
Can the internet fundamentally challenge non-free regimes? The role that social networking
has played in promoting political change in the Middle East and beyond raises important …

[SÁCH][B] The politics of war commemoration in the UK and Russia

N Danilova - 2016 - books.google.com
This book analyses contemporary war commemoration in Britain and Russia. Focusing on
the political aspects of remembrance, it explores the instrumentalisation of memory for …

[SÁCH][B] Television, democracy and elections in Russia

S Oates - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Sarah Oates gives a detailed examination on a central theme in political science: the
relationship between democracy and the mass media. This significant book contains a …

[SÁCH][B] Communicating climate change in Russia: State and propaganda

M Poberezhskaya - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
The attitude of Russia towards climate change is extremely important for the success of
climate change control policies worldwide, as Russia, with its cold climate and vast …

Re-conceptualising Russian party politics

D White - East European Politics, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
During the 1990s, studies of Russian party politics were largely based on the expectation
that parties would provide the integrative and intermediary functions that political parties …

Exposing the obscured influence of state-controlled media via causal inference of quotation propagation

J Schlessinger, R Bennet, J Coakwell, S Smith… - Scientific Reports, 2025 - nature.com
Reporting by major media outlets influences news coverage by other outlets, resulting in an
outsized impact on public opinion. Understanding this inter-outlet influence, known as …

[SÁCH][B] Chechnya at war and beyond

A Le Huérou, A Merlin, A Regamey, E Sieca-Kozlowski - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In a little over twenty years, Chechnya has undergone two massive, bloody wars that have
caused tens of thousands of dead, wounded, and disabled, and the virtually total destruction …

Oligarchie und Autokratie: Das hybride politische System Russlands

M Mommsen - Osteuropa, 2010 - JSTOR
Das in den vergangenen zehn Jahren entstandene politische System Russlands ist eine
Mischung aus Oligarchie und Autokratie. Wirtschaft und Politik sind eng verschmolzen. Wie …

Violent mobilization and non-mobilization in the North Caucasus

J Wilhelmsen, M Youngman - Perspectives on terrorism, 2020 - JSTOR
Following the appearance of the first reports of Chechen involvement in the Syrian conflict in
2012 and the subsequent large-scale migration of foreign fighters to the Middle East …