Classification of topological quantum matter with symmetries

CK Chiu, JCY Teo, AP Schnyder, S Ryu - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2016‏ - APS
Topological materials have become the focus of intense research in recent years, since they
exhibit fundamentally new physical phenomena with potential applications for novel devices …

Keldysh field theory for driven open quantum systems

LM Sieberer, M Buchhold, S Diehl - Reports on Progress in …, 2016‏ -
Recent experimental developments in diverse areas—ranging from cold atomic gases to
light-driven semiconductors to microcavity arrays—move systems into the focus which are …

Majorana fermions and topology in superconductors

M Sato, S Fujimoto - Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2016‏ -
Topological superconductors are novel classes of quantum condensed phases,
characterized by topologically nontrivial structures of Cooper pairing states. On the surfaces …

Geometry of quantum phase transitions

A Carollo, D Valenti, B Spagnolo - Physics Reports, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In this article we provide a review of geometrical methods employed in the analysis of
quantum phase transitions and non-equilibrium dissipative phase transitions. After a …

Tenfold way for quadratic Lindbladians

S Lieu, M McGinley, NR Cooper - Physical Review Letters, 2020‏ - APS
We uncover a topological classification applicable to open fermionic systems governed by a
general class of Lindblad master equations. These “quadratic Lindbladians” can be …

Higher-order topological phases in crystalline and non-crystalline systems: a review

YB Yang, JH Wang, K Li, Y Xu - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2024‏ -
Higher-order topological phases in crystalline and non-crystalline systems: a review Page 1
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT • OPEN ACCESS Higher-order …

Out-of-equilibrium electrons and the Hall conductance of a Floquet topological insulator

H Dehghani, T Oka, A Mitra - Physical Review B, 2015‏ - APS
Graphene irradiated by a circularly polarized laser has been predicted to be a Floquet
topological insulator showing a laser-induced quantum Hall effect. A circularly polarized …

Geometry and response of Lindbladians

VV Albert, B Bradlyn, M Fraas, L Jiang - Physical Review X, 2016‏ - APS
Markovian reservoir engineering, in which time evolution of a quantum system is governed
by a Lindblad master equation, is a powerful technique in studies of quantum phases of …

Symmetry classes of open fermionic quantum matter

A Altland, M Fleischhauer, S Diehl - Physical Review X, 2021‏ - APS
We present a full symmetry classification of fermion matter in and out of thermal equilibrium.
Our approach starts from first principles, the ten different classes of linear and antilinear state …

Dissipative Floquet topological systems

H Dehghani, T Oka, A Mitra - Physical Review B, 2014‏ - APS
Motivated by recent pump-probe spectroscopies, we study the effect of phonon dissipation
and potential cooling on the nonequilibrium distribution function in a Floquet topological …