Species differences and tissue distribution of heavy metal residues in wild birds

P Khwankitrittikul, A Poapolathep, S Poapolathep… - Animals, 2024 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary This study aimed to evaluate heavy metal deposits in the feathers, livers,
and kidneys of 37 wild bird species in Thailand. Interspecies differences in metal residues …

Conservation Value of Gunungan Wayang Kulit Purwa for Science Learning Materials

D Fahrudin, S Saputro, S Sarwanto… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2023 - journal.unnes.ac.id
This study aims to explore the concepts of ecology and biodiversity, the value of
environmental preservation in gunungan wayang kulit purwa, and its correlation to science …

Vegetation and bird diversity in Pesanggrahan's lowland tropical forest, Malang, Indonesia

F ROHMAN, N INSANI, P PURWANTO… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Rohman F, Insani N, Purwanto, Dharmawan A, Fardhani I, Akhsani F. 2023. Short
Communication: Vegetation and bird diversity in Pesanggrahan's lowland tropical forest …

Diversity of diurnal birds and their ecological role in Papua's oil palm plantation landscape, Indonesia

R AFFANDI, Y SANTOSA, RTRI KWATRINA - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2025 - smujo.id
Affandi R, Santosa Y, Kwatrina RT. 2025. Diversity of diurnal birds and their ecological role
in Papua's oil palm plantation landscape, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 26: 799-809. Oil palm …

Diversity of bird-feeding guilds in Bukit Mas Village, North Sumatra, Indonesia

F Husna, N NURHAYATI, MP PATRIA… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2024 - smujo.id
Husna F, Nurhayati, Patria MP, Winarni NL. 2024. Diversity of bird-feeding guilds in Bukit
Mas Village, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 4572-4580. Birds are one of the …

Do urban Jabodetabek birds visit alien invasive Muntingia calabura L. for forage only?

A Sedayu, MI Noer - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
The highly urbanized parts of Jabodetabek are still attracting biodiversity, among which are
urban birds and vegetation, including an alien invasive Muntingia calabura. M. calabura is …

Bird communities in the tropical peri-urban landscape of Bogor, Indonesia

SPADI NUGROHO, ANI MARDIASTUTI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Nugroho SPA, Mardiastuti A, Mulyani YA, Rahman DA. 2023. Bird communities in the
tropical peri-urban landscape of Bogor, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 6988-7000. Amidst the …

Wild Bird Species Structure and Feeding Guilds in Agricultural Area at Zagazig District, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt

MA Issa, MIA El-Bakhshawngi… - Catrina: The International …, 2024 - cat.journals.ekb.eg
Bird presence in the agricultural ecosystem is a critical for preserving ecological balance
due to its various ecological impacts. The composition of bird species and their feeding …

Habitat Complexity Influencing Avian Community Structure, Conservation Management and its Implications in Malaysia

AMBINA HALIM, NORAB NORAZLIMI - publisher.unimas.my
In this review, we explore the understanding of habitat complexity influencing the bird
community with a special focus on Malaysia's recent case studies. Malaysia is one of the …


ST Nilus Rahmat - antam.com
Segala pujian kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT sehingga Pemantauan Flora dan Fauna
PT Antam Tbk Unit Bisnis Pertambangan Nikel (UBPN) Kolaka semester II Tahun 2023 …