[HTML][HTML] A transfer learning-based artificial intelligence model for leaf disease assessment
The paddy crop is the most essential and consumable agricultural produce. Leaf disease
impacts the quality and productivity of paddy crops. Therefore, tackling this issue as early as …
impacts the quality and productivity of paddy crops. Therefore, tackling this issue as early as …
董文轩, 梁宏涛, 刘国柱, 胡**… - Journal of Frontiers of …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
目标检测作为计算机视觉中最基本, 最具挑战性的任务之一, 旨在找出图像中特定的目标,
并对目标进行定位和分类, 现已被广泛应用于工业质检, 视频监控, 无人驾驶等众多领域. **年来 …
并对目标进行定位和分类, 现已被广泛应用于工业质检, 视频监控, 无人驾驶等众多领域. **年来 …
Face mask detection using deep convolutional neural network and multi-stage image processing
Face mask detection has several applications including real-time surveillance, biometrics,
etc. Face mask detection is also useful for surveillance of the public to ensure face mask …
etc. Face mask detection is also useful for surveillance of the public to ensure face mask …
Stacked deep dense neural network model to predict Alzheimer's dementia using audio transcript data
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is caused by cortical degeneration leading to memory loss and
dementia. A possible criterion for the early identification of Alzheimer's dementia is to identify …
dementia. A possible criterion for the early identification of Alzheimer's dementia is to identify …
A novel framework for Arabic dialect chatbot using machine learning
NA Alhassan, A Saad Albarrak… - Computational …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
With the advent of artificial intelligence and proliferation in the demand for an online
dialogue system, the popularity of chatbots is growing on various industrial platforms. Their …
dialogue system, the popularity of chatbots is growing on various industrial platforms. Their …
[HTML][HTML] Spatiotemporal information, near-field perception, and service for tourists by distributed camera and Beidou positioning system in mountainous scenic areas
K Shi, C Zhu, J Li, X Zhang, F Yang, K Zhang… - … International Journal of …, 2024 - mdpi.com
The collaborative use of camera near-field sensors for monitoring the number and status of
tourists is a crucial aspect of smart scenic spot management. This paper proposes a near …
tourists is a crucial aspect of smart scenic spot management. This paper proposes a near …
Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Based Convolutional Neural Network for Handwritten Script Recognition.
Even though several advances have been made in recent years, handwritten script
recognition is still a challenging task in the pattern recognition domain. This field has gained …
recognition is still a challenging task in the pattern recognition domain. This field has gained …
Computer vision neural network using YOLOv4 for underwater fish video detection In Roatan, Honduras
DAJ Nixon - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Machine …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Fish spawning aggregations (FSA) are groups of individuals of a specie that group for
reproduction purposes. Studies show that globally fish species of commercial importance …
reproduction purposes. Studies show that globally fish species of commercial importance …
Fruit classification using deep convolutional neural network and transfer learning
Identification and classification of fruits of different qualities are vital for fruit industries.
Traditional techniques, such as visual inspection of fruits by handpicking, are time …
Traditional techniques, such as visual inspection of fruits by handpicking, are time …
Image aesthetic assessment: a comparative study of hand-crafted & deep learning models
Automatic image aesthetics assessment is a computer vision problem dealing with
categorizing images into different aesthetic levels. The categorization is usually done by …
categorizing images into different aesthetic levels. The categorization is usually done by …