[KNJIGA][B] Traditional forest-related knowledge and climate change
JA Parrotta, M Agnoletti - 2012 - Springer
The holders and users of traditional forest-related knowledge are on the front lines of global
efforts to deal with climate change and its impacts. Because of their close connection with …
efforts to deal with climate change and its impacts. Because of their close connection with …
Perceptions of forest experts on climate change and fire management in European Mediterranean forests
Climate change has already increased fire risk in Mediterranean forests. Adaptation options
related to forest fires and climate change include measures related to fuel management, fire …
related to forest fires and climate change include measures related to fuel management, fire …
Modelling post‐tree‐harvesting soil erosion and sediment deposition potential in the Turano River Basin (Italian Central Apennine)
The overall aim of the paper is the assessment of human‐induced accelerated soil erosion
processes due to forest harvesting in the Upper Turano River Basin. The spatio‐temporal …
processes due to forest harvesting in the Upper Turano River Basin. The spatio‐temporal …
Climate change and oak growth decline: Dendroecology and stand productivity of a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) old stored coppice in Central Italy
We combined stem volume increment analysis with dendroecological tools to address two
unresolved issues concerning oak dieback in Mediterranean areas: early detection of …
unresolved issues concerning oak dieback in Mediterranean areas: early detection of …
Modeling Italian forests: state of the art and future challenges
This review is a follow-up to the first meeting of the Forest modeling working group (FMWG)
of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), held in December 2009. 18 …
of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), held in December 2009. 18 …
Indicators of sustainable forest management to evaluate the socio-economic functions of coppice in Tuscany, Italy
Due to several ecosystem services provided to the community, the multifunctional
management of forests has acquired an important role over the years. The current …
management of forests has acquired an important role over the years. The current …
Restoration of selective beech coppices: a case study in the Apennines (Italy)
M Coppini, L Hermanin - Forest Ecology and Management, 2007 - Elsevier
The coppice selection system is a special type of management of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
coppice practiced in mountain regions of Italy until the first half of the 20th century. The …
coppice practiced in mountain regions of Italy until the first half of the 20th century. The …
Timber economy in the Roman Age: charcoal data from the key site of Herculaneum (Naples, Italy)
D Moser, O Nelle, G Di Pasquale - Archaeological and Anthropological …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract The city of Herculaneum (Naples, southern Italy), buried by the volcanic eruption of
Mount Somma-Vesuvius in 79 ad, is a key site for understanding the timber economy during …
Mount Somma-Vesuvius in 79 ad, is a key site for understanding the timber economy during …
[PDF][PDF] Coppice forests, or the changeable aspect of things, a review
G Fabbio - Annals of Silvicultural Research, 2016 - core.ac.uk
Coppiced forests were the main source of firewood, brushwood, and charcoal for rural and
urban settlements' basic needs such as cooking food and domestic heating for thousands of …
urban settlements' basic needs such as cooking food and domestic heating for thousands of …
[KNJIGA][B] Tipologie Forestali della Calabria
R Mercurio, CM Musarella, G Spampinato - 2022 - books.google.com
Questo testo raccoglie studi e ricerche svolti dagli autori in un arco temporale di circa 20
anni sulla vegetazione, le tipologie forestali e la selvicoltura. Vengono analizzate le …
anni sulla vegetazione, le tipologie forestali e la selvicoltura. Vengono analizzate le …