[HTML][HTML] Rhizosphere bacteria in plant growth promotion, biocontrol, and bioremediation of contaminated sites: a comprehensive review of effects and mechanisms

Q Saeed, W **ukang, FU Haider, J Kučerik… - International journal of …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Agriculture in the 21st century is facing multiple challenges, such as those related to soil
fertility, climatic fluctuations, environmental degradation, urbanization, and the increase in …

Biosurfactant is a powerful tool for the bioremediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils

S Mishra, Z Lin, S Pang, Y Zhang, P Bhatt… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2021 - Elsevier
Heavy metal toxicity has become a pressing ecological problem that affects the ecosystems
through bioaccumulation, representing a serious public health hazard. Many conventional …

Effect of synthetic surfactants on the environment and the potential for substitution by biosurfactants

P Johnson, A Trybala, V Starov, VJ Pinfield - Advances in colloid and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The environmental impacts of the use of synthetic surfactants are discussed in this work
such as their high levels of toxicity and low biodegradability. These materials destroy aquatic …

[HTML][HTML] Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends

J Spooren, K Binnemans, J Björkmalm… - Resources …, 2020 - Elsevier
With an increasing number of low-grade primary ores starting to be cost-effectively mined,
we are at the verge of mining a myriad of low-grade primary and secondary mineral …

Genomic and proteomic insights into the heavy metal bioremediation by cyanobacteria

H Chakdar, S Thapa, A Srivastava, P Shukla - Journal of Hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
Heavy metals (HMs) pose a global ecological threat due to their toxic effects on aquatic and
terrestrial life. Effective remediation of HMs from the environment can help to restore soil's …

[HTML][HTML] Bioavailability of heavy metals in soil: impact on microbial biodegradation of organic compounds and possible improvement strategies

AO Olaniran, A Balgobind, B Pillay - International journal of molecular …, 2013 - mdpi.com
Co-contamination of the environment with toxic chlorinated organic and heavy metal
pollutants is one of the major problems facing industrialized nations today. Heavy metals …

Microbial production of surfactants and their commercial potential

JD Desai, IM Banat - Microbiology and Molecular biology reviews, 1997 - journals.asm.org
Many microorganisms, especially bacteria, produce biosurfactants when grown on water-
immiscible substrates. Biosurfactants are more effective, selective, environmentally friendly …


DE Salt, RD Smith, I Raskin - Annual review of plant biology, 1998 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Contaminated soils and waters pose a major environmental and human health
problem, which may be partially solved by the emerging phytoremediation technology. This …

Potential commercial applications of microbial surfactants

IM Banat, RS Makkar, SS Cameotra - Applied microbiology and …, 2000 - Springer
Surfactants are surface-active compounds capable of reducing surface and interfacial
tension at the interfaces between liquids, solids and gases, thereby allowing them to mix or …

Application of a modified drop-collapse technique for surfactant quantitation and screening of biosurfactant-producing microorganisms

AA Bodour, RM Miller-Maier - Journal of Microbiological Methods, 1998 - Elsevier
A drop-collapse method has been refined for use as both a qualitative assay to screen for
surfactant-producing microbes, and as a quantitative assay to determine surfactant …