Current operational urban land‐use–transport modelling frameworks: A review
JD Hunt, DS Kriger, EJ Miller - Transport reviews, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Various alternative frameworks are available for modelling urban land‐use–transport
interaction. This paper provides a detailed review of six of these frameworks that have been …
interaction. This paper provides a detailed review of six of these frameworks that have been …
Integrated models of land use and transportation for the autonomous vehicle revolution
The advent of the autonomous vehicle (AV) will affect not only the transportation system, but
also future patterns of land development. Integrated land use and transportation models will …
also future patterns of land development. Integrated land use and transportation models will …
Latent lifestyle preferences and household location decisions
JL Walker, J Li - Journal of Geographical Systems, 2007 - Springer
Lifestyle, indicating preferences towards a particular way of living, is a key driver of the
decision of where to live. We employ latent class choice models to represent this behavior …
decision of where to live. We employ latent class choice models to represent this behavior …
An integrated framework to evaluate the equity of urban public facilities using spatial multi-criteria analysis
Spatial equity is an important component of sustainable urban planning. We introduce an
Integrated Spatial Equity Evaluation (ISEE) framework based on spatial multi-criteria …
Integrated Spatial Equity Evaluation (ISEE) framework based on spatial multi-criteria …
Environmental impact assessment of urban land use transitions—A context-sensitive approach
Land consumption due to residential development, economic growth and transportation
belongs to the most serious environmental pressures on landscapes worldwide, in particular …
belongs to the most serious environmental pressures on landscapes worldwide, in particular …
[PDF][PDF] Core principles and concepts in land-use modelling: A literature review
J van Schrojenstein Lantman, PH Verburg… - Land-use modelling …, 2011 - library.oapen.org
Simulation models of land use predict or describe land-use change over space and time.
Recent overviews of land-use simulation models show an overwhelming amount of different …
Recent overviews of land-use simulation models show an overwhelming amount of different …
Linking transport and land use planning: The microscopic dynamic simulation model ILUMASS
All cities in Europe struggle with the problems of urban sprawl and traffic congestion, yet
mostly with little success. There is a growing awareness that market forces will continue to …
mostly with little success. There is a growing awareness that market forces will continue to …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling transport: a synthesis of transport modelling methodologies
A Sivakumar - Imperial College of London, 2007 - researchgate.net
The transport sector contributes to a significant proportion of the energy consumed in an
urban area (Figure 1, for instance, depicts energy consumption in London, by sector, for the …
urban area (Figure 1, for instance, depicts energy consumption in London, by sector, for the …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of simulation-based traffic noise on rent prices
This paper is part of ongoing research on incorporating environmental aspects in
microscopic integrated land use/transport models. The long-term goal is to add scenario …
microscopic integrated land use/transport models. The long-term goal is to add scenario …
A joint model of residential mobility and location choice decisions
Residential relocation is a process involving the interdependent decisions of mobility (ie the
decision to move) and location choice. Location choice is a discrete choice decision …
decision to move) and location choice. Location choice is a discrete choice decision …