Recent advances in open billiards with some open problems

CP Dettmann - Frontiers in the study of chaotic dynamical systems …, 2011 - World Scientific
Much recent interest has focused on" open" dynamical systems, in which a classical map or
flow is considered only until the trajectory reaches a" hole", at which the dynamics is no …

Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots

JP Dahlhaus, B Béri, CWJ Beenakker - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2010 - APS
We calculate the probability distribution of the transmission eigenvalues T n of Bogoliubov
quasiparticles at the Fermi level in an ensemble of chaotic Andreev quantum dots. The four …

Characteristic energies, transition temperatures, and switching effects in clean SNS graphene nanostructures

K Halterman, OT Valls, M Alidoust - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2011 - APS
We study proximity effects in clean nanoscale superconductor–normal-metal–
superconductor (S∣ N∣ S) graphene heterostructures using a self-consistent numerical …

Localised States of Fabry-Perot Type in Graphene

VV Zalipaev, DM Forrester… - New Progress on …, 2013 -
Graphene has been spoken of as a"" wonder material"'and described as paradigm shifting in
the field of condensed matter physics [1]. The exceptional behavior of single layer graphene …

Formation of interface bound states on a graphene-superconductor junction in the presence of charge inhomogeneities

P Burset, WJ Herrera, AL Yeyati - Graphene, 2013 -
Interface bound states have been theoretically predicted to appear at isolated graphene-
superconductor junctions. These states are formed at the interface due to the interplay …

High-energy localized eigenstates in a Fabry–Perot graphene resonator in a magnetic field

VV Zalipaev - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2012 -
A semiclassical analysis of the high-energy eigenstates of Dirac fermions inside a graphene
monolayer nanoribbon resonator of Fabry–Perot type in a magnetic field with zigzag …

Distribution of Level Spacing Ratios in Random Matrix Theory and Chaotic Quantum Systems: Variants and Applications

SH TEKUR - 2019 -
Quantum systems with classically chaotic counterparts are studied in the realm of quantum
chaos. A popular indicator of quantum chaos are the level spacing statistics, whose …

Josephson current in ballistic graphene Corbino disk

B Abdollahipour, R Mohammadkhani… - Superlattices and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract We solve Dirac-Bogoliubov-De-Gennes (DBdG) equation in a superconductor-
normal graphene-superconductor (SGS) junction with Corbino disk structure to investigate …

A quantum theory for the excitation spectrum of a rectangular Andreev billiard

JSE Ortiz, RE Lagos, H Belich, LS Amorim… - Journal of Physics …, 2015 -
We consider a N–S box system consisting of a rectangular conductor coupled to a
superconductor. The Green functions are constructed by solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes …

[PDF][PDF] Random-matrix theory and stroboscopic models of topological insulators and

JP Dahlhaus - 2012 - scholarlypublications …
Considering what we know about Nature, it is quite fascinating how well it can be described
by complex mathematical concepts. Among the most impressive examples might well be …