[KNJIGA][B] Networked press freedom: Creating infrastructures for a public right to hear
M Ananny - 2018 - books.google.com
Reimagining press freedom in a networked era: not just a journalist's right to speak but also
a public's right to hear. In Networked Press Freedom, Mike Ananny offers a new way to think …
a public's right to hear. In Networked Press Freedom, Mike Ananny offers a new way to think …
[KNJIGA][B] O lugar da ética e da auto-regulação na identidade profissional dos jornalistas
JMM Fidalgo - 2006 - search.proquest.com
O objectivo central da nossa investigação é tentar compreender as características
específicas da profissão de jornalista, seja nos modos como ela é encarada “de dentro” …
específicas da profissão de jornalista, seja nos modos como ela é encarada “de dentro” …
[KNJIGA][B] Holding the media accountable: Citizens, ethics, and the law
DH Pritchard - 2000 - books.google.com
The past decade has seen an explosion of writing about media ethics and accountability.
Most of the work has been focused on the normative side of the subject: ethical …
Most of the work has been focused on the normative side of the subject: ethical …
The end of ombudsmen? 21st-century journalism and reader representatives
P Ferrucci - Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
In May 2017, the New York Times announced it would eliminate its public editor position,
something a number of news organizations have done recently. Using the theory of …
something a number of news organizations have done recently. Using the theory of …
Networked press freedom and social media: Tracing historical and contemporary forces in press-public relations
M Ananny - Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2014 - academic.oup.com
This paper analyzes how mainstream, online news organizations understand press
autonomy in their relationships to audiences. I situate the press in terms of neo-institutional …
autonomy in their relationships to audiences. I situate the press in terms of neo-institutional …
Taming the internet trolls with an internet ombudsperson: Ethical social media regulation
E Daskal, R Wentrup, D Shefet - Policy & Internet, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Social media platforms have a powerful role as one of the main gatekeepers of the online
sphere, alongside search engines and Internet service providers. Yet, given the variety of …
sphere, alongside search engines and Internet service providers. Yet, given the variety of …
[KNJIGA][B] Investigative reporting in den USA: Strukturen eines Journalismus der Machtkontrolle
M Redelfs - 2013 - books.google.com
'Investigative Reporting'ist ein Leitbild des US-Journalismus: Die gründliche Recherche, die
Mißstände aufdeckt, gilt nicht erst seit der Watergate-Affäre als zentrale journalistische …
Mißstände aufdeckt, gilt nicht erst seit der Watergate-Affäre als zentrale journalistische …
Creating an effective newspaper ombudsman position
C Meyers - Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
In this article I argue, first, that genuinely effective ombudsmen could help restore news
credibility-thereby staving off other, more intrusive external intervention-and that the position …
credibility-thereby staving off other, more intrusive external intervention-and that the position …
This paper examines the columns of Ian Mayes, the first Readers' Editor of The Guardian,
and of Daniel Okrent, the first Public Editor of The New York Times, to provide an empirically …
and of Daniel Okrent, the first Public Editor of The New York Times, to provide an empirically …
Users' perception of media accountability
H Groenhart - Central European Journal of Communication, 2012 - ceeol.com
Theoretically, the public is engaged in the accountability process, mainly in two ways: it
conceives an image of professional quality and it may call journalism to account. Th erefore …
conceives an image of professional quality and it may call journalism to account. Th erefore …