WHO 2022 landscape of papillary and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
The 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours of the Urinary and Male Genital
Systems contains relevant revisions and introduces a group of molecularly defined renal …
Systems contains relevant revisions and introduces a group of molecularly defined renal …
[HTML][HTML] Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: current and controversial issues
It has been 35 years since Professor Thoenes and his colleagues discovered chromophobe
renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Since then, our knowledge about this tumour entity has …
renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Since then, our knowledge about this tumour entity has …
[HTML][HTML] Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: Novel molecular insights and clinicopathologic updates
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC) is the third most common renal cell carcinoma
(RCC) subtype, which predominantly occurs in sporadic setting. ChRCCs are considered to …
(RCC) subtype, which predominantly occurs in sporadic setting. ChRCCs are considered to …
[HTML][HTML] Low grade oncocytic tumors of the kidney: a clinically relevant approach for the workup and accurate diagnosis
Renal oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma were accepted as unique renal
tumors in the late 1990s. Since their formal description, criteria for diagnosis have evolved …
tumors in the late 1990s. Since their formal description, criteria for diagnosis have evolved …
The morphological spectrum of papillary renal cell carcinoma and prevalence of provisional/emerging renal tumor entities with papillary growth
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents a heterogeneous disease, encompassing an
increasing number of tumor subtypes. Post-2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) …
increasing number of tumor subtypes. Post-2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) …
[HTML][HTML] Contemporary clinical definitions, differential diagnosis, and novel predictive tools for renal cell carcinoma
Despite significant progress regarding clinical detection/imaging evaluation modalities and
genetic/molecular characterization of pathogenesis, advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) …
genetic/molecular characterization of pathogenesis, advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) …
Comprehensive review of numerical chromosomal aberrations in chromophobe renal cell carcinoma including its variant morphologies
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC) accounts for 5% to 7% of all renal cell
carcinomas. It was thought for many years that ChRCC exhibits a hypodiploid genome …
carcinomas. It was thought for many years that ChRCC exhibits a hypodiploid genome …
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma with extensive retraction artifact: a potential diagnostic pitfall from micropapillary urothelial carcinoma
In addition to “classic” and eosinophilic subtype, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
is well-known to demonstrate various morphological patterns including adenomatoid …
is well-known to demonstrate various morphological patterns including adenomatoid …
Fumarate hydratase functions as a tumor suppressor in endometrial cancer by inactivating EGFR signaling
YY Wang, A Vadhan, CH Wu, CY Hsu… - Oncology …, 2023 - spandidos-publications.com
Fumarase hydratase (FH) is an enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration and
dehydration of fumarate to malate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The present study …
dehydration of fumarate to malate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The present study …
Renal cell carcinomas with tubulopapillary architecture and oncocytic cells: molecular analysis of 39 difficult tumors to classify
K Pivovarcikova, P Grossmann, V Hajkova… - Annals of Diagnostic …, 2021 - Elsevier
So-called oncocytic papillary renal cell carcinoma (OPRCC) is a poorly defined variant of
papillary renal cell carcinoma. Since its first description, several studies were published with …
papillary renal cell carcinoma. Since its first description, several studies were published with …