[HTML][HTML] Global patterns of mortality in international migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background 258 million people reside outside their country of birth; however, to date no
global systematic reviews or meta-analyses of mortality data for these international migrants …
global systematic reviews or meta-analyses of mortality data for these international migrants …
Toward a positive psychology of immigrants
The vast majority of immigration-focused research in psychology is rooted in deficit models
that center on negative health outcomes (eg, depression, acculturative stress, anxiety …
that center on negative health outcomes (eg, depression, acculturative stress, anxiety …
Migration-related health inequalities: showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin
In this paper, we briefly review theories and findings on migration and health from the health
equity perspective, and then analyse migration-related health inequalities taking into …
equity perspective, and then analyse migration-related health inequalities taking into …
Healthy migrant and salmon bias hypotheses: a study of health and internal migration in China
The existing literature has often underscored the “healthy migrant” effect and the “salmon
bias” in understanding the health of migrants. Nevertheless, direct evidence for these two …
bias” in understanding the health of migrants. Nevertheless, direct evidence for these two …
Twenty‐first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward
This article presents outcomes from a Workshop entitled “Bioarchaeology: Taking Stock and
Moving Forward,” which was held at Arizona State University (ASU) on March 6–8, 2020 …
Moving Forward,” which was held at Arizona State University (ASU) on March 6–8, 2020 …
The relationship between urbanization and depression in China: the mediating role of neighborhood social capital
Background Previous studies in developed countries have found that living in rapidly
urbanizing areas is associated with higher risk of mental illness and that social capital had a …
urbanizing areas is associated with higher risk of mental illness and that social capital had a …
Immigration and loneliness in later life
Although the loneliness of both older adults and immigrants is frequently asserted,
knowledge regarding the implications of immigration for loneliness in later life is limited. In …
knowledge regarding the implications of immigration for loneliness in later life is limited. In …
Rural-urban migration and health: Evidence from longitudinal data in Indonesia
Previous studies on the impact of migration on health often face the difficulties of choosing
the proper comparison group and addressing potential selection of migration. Using …
the proper comparison group and addressing potential selection of migration. Using …
Internal migration and health in South Africa: determinants of healthcare utilisation in a young adult cohort
Abstract Background In South Africa, human geographic mobility is high as people engage
in both permanent and temporary relocation, predominantly from rural to urban areas. Such …
in both permanent and temporary relocation, predominantly from rural to urban areas. Such …
Social origins, hukou conversion, and the wellbeing of urban residents in contemporary China
This paper examines the determinants and consequences of rural to urban registration
(hukou) mobility in contemporary China, focusing on the link between social origins, hukou …
(hukou) mobility in contemporary China, focusing on the link between social origins, hukou …