[КНИГА][B] Computational geometry: algorithms and applications
M De Berg - 2000 - books.google.com
This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level
undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the …
undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the …
On a class of O (n2) problems in computational geometry
A Gajentaan, MH Overmars - Computational geometry, 1995 - Elsevier
There are many problems in computational geometry for which the best know algorithms
take time Θ (n2)(or more) in the worst case while only very low lower bounds are known. In …
take time Θ (n2)(or more) in the worst case while only very low lower bounds are known. In …
A single-query bi-directional probabilistic roadmap planner with lazy collision checking
This paper describes a new probabilistic roadmap (PRM) path planner that is:(1) single-
query—instead of pre-computing a roadmap covering the entire free space, it uses the two …
query—instead of pre-computing a roadmap covering the entire free space, it uses the two …
On delaying collision checking in PRM planning: Application to multi-robot coordination
This paper describes the foundations and algorithms of a new probabilistic roadmap (PRM)
planner that is: single-query—instead of pre-computing a roadmap covering the entire free …
planner that is: single-query—instead of pre-computing a roadmap covering the entire free …
Range searching and point location among fat objects
MH Overmars, FA van der Stappen - Journal of Algorithms, 1996 - Elsevier
We present a data structure that can store a set of disjoint fat objects ind-space such that
point location and bounded-size range searching with arbitrarily shaped ranges can be …
point location and bounded-size range searching with arbitrarily shaped ranges can be …
Motion planning amidst fat obstacles
AF Van der Stappen, MH Overmars - … of the tenth annual symposium on …, 1994 - dl.acm.org
We present an efficient and simple paradigm for motion planning amidst fat obstacles. The
paradigm fits in the cell decomposition approach to motion planning and exploits workspace …
paradigm fits in the cell decomposition approach to motion planning and exploits workspace …
Median trajectories
We investigate the concept of a median among a set of trajectories. We establish criteria that
a “median trajectory” should meet, and present two different methods to construct a median …
a “median trajectory” should meet, and present two different methods to construct a median …
Algorithmic motion planning
Motion planning is a fundamental problem in robotics. It comes in a variety of forms, but the
simplest version is as follows. We are given a robot system B, which may consist of several …
simplest version is as follows. We are given a robot system B, which may consist of several …
Realistic input models for geometric algorithms
Vleugels - Algorithmica, 2002 - Springer
The traditional worst-case analysis often fails to predict the actual behavior of the running
time of geometric algorithms in practical situations. One reason is that worst-case scenarios …
time of geometric algorithms in practical situations. One reason is that worst-case scenarios …
[PDF][PDF] State of the union (of geometric objects)
Let C be a set of geometric objects in Rd. The combinatorial complexity of the union of C is
the total number of faces of all dimensions on its boundary. We survey the known upper …
the total number of faces of all dimensions on its boundary. We survey the known upper …