The internet of things (IOT) applications and communication enabling technology standards: An overview
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most promising area which penetrates the advantages of
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) and Pervasive Computing domains …
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) and Pervasive Computing domains …
[КНИГА][B] Cognitive infocommunications (coginfocom)
This book describes the theoretical foundations of cognitive infocommunications
(CogInfoCom), and provides a survey on state-of-the-art solutions and applications within …
(CogInfoCom), and provides a survey on state-of-the-art solutions and applications within …
Smart city architecture and its applications based on IoT
Wireless sensor networks have increasingly become contributors of very large amounts of
data. The recent deployment of wireless sensor networks in Smart City infrastructures has …
data. The recent deployment of wireless sensor networks in Smart City infrastructures has …
Smart cities to improve mobility and quality of life of the visually impaired
The rapid pace of innovation and advances in technological research has given hope to the
visually impaired people (VIP) to find ways to move around smart cities and enjoy a better …
visually impaired people (VIP) to find ways to move around smart cities and enjoy a better …
Entrepreneurial co‐creation: societal impact through open innovation
New open innovation initiatives, such as accelerators, living labs, social innovation labs and
open labs, involve for‐profit and not‐for‐profit actors working closely together to co‐create …
open labs, involve for‐profit and not‐for‐profit actors working closely together to co‐create …
Addressing societal challenges through the simultaneous generation of social and business values: A conceptual framework for science-based co-creation
The paper focuses on a key uniqueness of the simultaneous generation of social and
business value-across science, technology and society-involving academics, businesses …
business value-across science, technology and society-involving academics, businesses …
Creating the city destination of the future: The case of smart Seoul
Smart tourism development has become a major focus for many destinations across the
world, and particularly in Asia, as it promises competitive advantages by increasing …
world, and particularly in Asia, as it promises competitive advantages by increasing …
Cognitive infocommunications: coginfocom
In recent years, considerable amount of research has been dedicated to the integration of
artificial cognitive functionalities into informatics. With the immense growth in volume of …
artificial cognitive functionalities into informatics. With the immense growth in volume of …
[HTML][HTML] A testbed to evaluate the fiware-based IoT platform in the domain of precision agriculture
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) represent one of the most promising technologies for
precision farming. Over the next few years, a significant increase in the use of such systems …
precision farming. Over the next few years, a significant increase in the use of such systems …
[HTML][HTML] Location-aware mobile services for a smart city: Design, implementation and deployment
A smart city is a high-performance urban context, where citizens are more aware of, and
more integrated into the city life, thanks to an intelligent city information system. In this paper …
more integrated into the city life, thanks to an intelligent city information system. In this paper …