Combinatorial designs: constructions and analysis

DR Stinson - ACM SIGACT News, 2008 -
The origins of combinatorial design theory lie within recreational mathematics. With the work
of Fisher and Yates in the 1930s it began to take on the character of a serious academic …

Five open problems in quantum information theory

P Horodecki, Ł Rudnicki, K Życzkowski - PRX Quantum, 2022 - APS
We identify five selected open problems in the theory of quantum information, which are
rather simple to formulate, are well studied in the literature, but are technically not easy. As …

Thirty-six entangled officers of Euler: Quantum solution to a classically impossible problem

SA Rather, A Burchardt, W Bruzda… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
The negative solution to the famous problem of 36 officers of Euler implies that there are no
two orthogonal Latin squares of order six. We show that the problem has a solution …

Small Latin squares, quasigroups, and loops

BD McKay, A Meynert, W Myrvold - Journal of Combinatorial …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
We present the numbers of isotopy classes and main classes of Latin squares, and the
numbers of isomorphism classes of quasigroups and loops, up to order 10. The best …

Permutation arrays for powerline communication and mutually orthogonal latin squares

CJ Colbourn, T Klove, ACH Ling - IEEE Transactions on …, 2004 -
Permutation arrays for powerline communication and mutually orthogonal latin squares Page 1

[Књига][B] Orthogonal Latin squares based on groups

AB Evans - 2018 - Springer
Latin squares and mutually orthogonal sets of Latin squares (MOLS) have an old history
predating Euler's work in the late 1700s. With the emergence of the abstract concept of a …

Anti-corrosion properties of array-structured superhydrophobic surfaces

R Qiu, J Li, C Wang, F **ao, W Cao, Z Wu - Journal of Materials …, 2024 - Springer
Inspired by the array-structured superhydrophobic surface of natural lotus leaves, an array
structure was successfully constructed on the surface of AZ31B magnesium (Mg) alloys by a …

Five open problems in quantum information

P Horodecki, Ł Rudnicki, K Życzkowski - arxiv preprint arxiv:2002.03233, 2020 -
We identify five selected open problems in the theory of quantum information, which are
rather simple to formulate, were well-studied in the literature, but are technically not easy. As …

The optimal bound on the 3-independence number obtainable from a polynomial-type method

LC Kavi, M Newman - Discrete Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
A k-independent set in a connected graph is a set of vertices such that any two vertices in
the set are at distance greater than k in the graph. The k-independence number of a graph …

9× 4= 6× 6: Understanding the quantum solution to Euler's problem of 36 officers

K Życzkowski, W Bruzda… - Journal of Physics …, 2023 -
The famous combinatorial problem of Euler concerns an arrangement of 36 officers from six
different regiments in a 6× 6 square array. Each regiment consists of six officers each …