Behavioral finance
D Hirshleifer - Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2015 -
Behavioral finance studies the application of psychology to finance, with a focus on
individual-level cognitive biases. I describe here the sources of judgment and decision …
individual-level cognitive biases. I describe here the sources of judgment and decision …
Bubbles, financial crises, and systemic risk
This chapter surveys the literature on bubbles, financial crises, and systemic risk. The first
part of the chapter provides a brief historical account of bubbles and financial crisis. The …
part of the chapter provides a brief historical account of bubbles and financial crisis. The …
[CARTE][B] Misbehaving: The making of behavioral economics
RH Thaler - 2015 -
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Get ready to change the way you think about
economics. Nobel laureate Richard H. Thaler has spent his career studying the radical …
economics. Nobel laureate Richard H. Thaler has spent his career studying the radical …
Psychology-based models of asset prices and trading volume
N Barberis - Handbook of behavioral economics: applications and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Behavioral finance tries to make sense of financial data using models that are based on
psychologically accurate assumptions about people's beliefs, preferences, and cognitive …
psychologically accurate assumptions about people's beliefs, preferences, and cognitive …
Extrapolation and bubbles
We present an extrapolative model of bubbles. In the model, many investors form their
demand for a risky asset by weighing two signals—an average of the asset's past price …
demand for a risky asset by weighing two signals—an average of the asset's past price …
MK Brunnermeier - Banking crises: perspectives from the new palgrave …, 2016 - Springer
Rational bubbles under symmetric information are studied in settings in which all agents
have rational expectations and share the same information. There are several theoretical …
have rational expectations and share the same information. There are several theoretical …
Irrational exuberance: Revised and expanded third edition
RJ Shiller - 2015 -
Disclosure: In addition to being a professor at Yale University, the author is currently working
part-time with Standard & Poor's to produce home price indices; with the Chicago Mercantile …
part-time with Standard & Poor's to produce home price indices; with the Chicago Mercantile …
System Dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world
J Sterman - 2002 -
Todays problems often arise as unintended consequences of yesterdays solutions. Social
systems often suffer from policy resistance, the tendency for well-intentioned interventions to …
systems often suffer from policy resistance, the tendency for well-intentioned interventions to …
The psychology and neuroscience of financial decision making
Financial decisions are among the most important life-sha** decisions that people make.
We review facts about financial decisions and what cognitive and neural processes …
We review facts about financial decisions and what cognitive and neural processes …
Field experiments
Experimental economists are leaving the reservation. They are recruiting subjects in the field
rather than in the classroom, using field goods rather than induced valuations, and using …
rather than in the classroom, using field goods rather than induced valuations, and using …