Classical and quantum superintegrability with applications
W Miller, S Post, P Winternitz - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2013 -
A superintegrable system is, roughly speaking, a system that allows more integrals of motion
than degrees of freedom. This review is devoted to finite dimensional classical and quantum …
than degrees of freedom. This review is devoted to finite dimensional classical and quantum …
Superintegrable models related to near horizon extremal Myers-Perry black hole in arbitrary dimension
A bstract We provide a systematic account of integrability of the spherical mechanics
associated with the near horizon extremal Myers-Perry black hole in arbitrary dimension for …
associated with the near horizon extremal Myers-Perry black hole in arbitrary dimension for …
Quantum, classical symmetries, and action-angle variables by factorization of superintegrable systems
The purpose of this work is to present a method based on the factorizations used in one-
dimensional quantum mechanics in order to find the symmetries of quantum and classical …
dimensional quantum mechanics in order to find the symmetries of quantum and classical …
The anisotropic oscillator on curved spaces: A new exactly solvable model
We present a new exactly solvable (classical and quantum) model that can be interpreted as
the generalization to the two-dimensional sphere and to the hyperbolic space of the two …
the generalization to the two-dimensional sphere and to the hyperbolic space of the two …
Superintegrability of generalized Calogero models with oscillator or Coulomb potential
We deform N-dimensional (Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic) oscillator and Coulomb
systems, replacing their angular degrees of freedom by those of a generalized rational …
systems, replacing their angular degrees of freedom by those of a generalized rational …
Killing tensors of a generalized Lense-Thirring spacetime
S Sadeghian - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
We investigate the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of a probe particle moving on d-dimensional
generalized Lense-Thirring metric. This spacetime is different from the slowly rotating Myers …
generalized Lense-Thirring metric. This spacetime is different from the slowly rotating Myers …
Superintegrable Lissajous systems on the sphere
The kind of systems on the sphere, whose trajectories are similar to the Lissajous curves, is
studied by means of one example. The symmetries are constructed following a unified and …
studied by means of one example. The symmetries are constructed following a unified and …
The Tremblay–Turbiner–Winternitz system on spherical and hyperbolic spaces: superintegrability, curvature-dependent formalism and complex factorization
MF Ranada - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2014 -
The Tremblay--Turbiner--Winternitz system on spherical and hyperbolic spaces:
superintegrability, curvature-dependent formalism Page 1 Journal of Physics A …
superintegrability, curvature-dependent formalism Page 1 Journal of Physics A …
A unified approach to quantum and classical TTW systems based on factorizations
A unifying method based on factorization properties is introduced for finding symmetries of
quantum and classical superintegrable systems using the example of the Tremblay …
quantum and classical superintegrable systems using the example of the Tremblay …
Runge-Lenz vector in the Calogero-Coulomb problem
We construct the Runge-Lenz vector and the symmetry algebra of the rational Calogero-
Coulomb problem using the Dunkl operators. We reveal that they are proper deformations of …
Coulomb problem using the Dunkl operators. We reveal that they are proper deformations of …