Differential computation analysis: Hiding your white-box designs is not enough
Although all current scientific white-box approaches of standardized cryptographic primitives
are broken, there is still a large number of companies which sell “secure” white-box …
are broken, there is still a large number of companies which sell “secure” white-box …
Methods, systems, and devices for an encrypted and obfuscated algorithm in a computing environment
FJ Malassenet, GD Sidle - US Patent 10,289,816, 2019 - Google Patents
A computer implemented method is disclosed for obfuscating an algorithm. The computer-
implemented method includes (1) receiving ciphertext input data, and (2) executing …
implemented method includes (1) receiving ciphertext input data, and (2) executing …
Towards practical whitebox cryptography: optimizing efficiency and space hardness
Whitebox cryptography aims to provide security for cryptographic algorithms in an untrusted
environment where the adversary has full access to their implementation. Typical security …
environment where the adversary has full access to their implementation. Typical security …
Efficient and provable white-box primitives
In recent years there have been several attempts to build white-box block ciphers whose
implementations aim to be incompressible. This includes the weak white-box ASASA …
implementations aim to be incompressible. This includes the weak white-box ASASA …
On the security goals of white-box cryptography
We discuss existing and new security notions for white-box cryptography and comment on
their suitability for Digital Rights Management and Mobile Payment Applications, the two …
their suitability for Digital Rights Management and Mobile Payment Applications, the two …
Privacy and security of Aadhaar: a computer science perspective
The article investigates the privacy and security issues of Aadhaar from a technology point of
view. Specifically, the possibilities of identification and authentication without consent using …
view. Specifically, the possibilities of identification and authentication without consent using …
White-box cryptography: don't forget about grey-box attacks
Despite the fact that all current scientific white-box approaches of standardized
cryptographic primitives have been publicly broken, these attacks require knowledge of the …
cryptographic primitives have been publicly broken, these attacks require knowledge of the …
Implicit white-box implementations: White-boxing ARX ciphers
A Ranea, J Vandersmissen, B Preneel - Annual International Cryptology …, 2022 - Springer
Since the first white-box implementation of AES published twenty years ago, no significant
progress has been made in the design of secure implementations against an attacker with …
progress has been made in the design of secure implementations against an attacker with …
How to reveal the secrets of an obscure white-box implementation
White-box cryptography (WBC) protects key extraction from software implementations of
cryptographic primitives. Many academic works have been done achieving partial results …
cryptographic primitives. Many academic works have been done achieving partial results …
Yoroi: Updatable whitebox cryptography
Y Koike, T Isobe - IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and …, 2021 - tches.iacr.org
Whitebox cryptography aims to provide security in the whitebox setting where the adversary
has unlimited access to the implementation and its environment. In order to ensure security …
has unlimited access to the implementation and its environment. In order to ensure security …