Effectiveness of the Team Quiz Method Assisted by Crossword Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the team quiz method assisted
by crossword media on the learning outcomes of elementary school students. The approach …
by crossword media on the learning outcomes of elementary school students. The approach …
Classroom Action Research: Enhancing IPAS Learning Outcomes on Indonesians' Cultural Diversity Using Wordwall to Elementary School Students
D Lestari, Y Dwiyono, M Makmun - PEDAGOGIA - ejournal.upi.edu
This research aimed to determine the improvement in learning outcomes in Natural and
Social Sciences (IPAS) on the topic of Indonesia's cultural wealth using Wordwall media …
Social Sciences (IPAS) on the topic of Indonesia's cultural wealth using Wordwall media …
MD Paramita, A Rijal - Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar, 2024 - journal.unpas.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode role playing berbantuan wordwall
quiz dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar ppkn siswa kelas iv sd. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di …
quiz dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar ppkn siswa kelas iv sd. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di …
Utilizing Wordwall Interactive Games for Evaluating Arabic Language Learning in Madrasah Tarbiyah Islamiah Bayur West Sumatra
A Mawaddah, N Nasiruddin, AI Zahasfan… - Borneo Journal of …, 2024 - journal.uinsi.ac.id
Islamic boarding schools are known as places of religious learning where most of them are
technologically literate. Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia should follow technological …
technologically literate. Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia should follow technological …
Pengembangan modul kimia berpendakatan chemoentrepreneurship pada materi sistem koloid untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains
H ABIDAH - eprints.walisongo.ac.id
Penelitian ini didasari oleh ketersediaan bahan ajar yang dikolaborasikan dengan
pendekatan Chemoentrepreneurship (CEP) belum ada serta muatan Keterampilan Generik …
pendekatan Chemoentrepreneurship (CEP) belum ada serta muatan Keterampilan Generik …
[CITATION][C] Pengaruh Pengunaan Google Word Wall dan Motivasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Kelas X IPS Di SMAN 2 Sungai Kakap
Background: Low economic learning outcomes at SMA 2 Sungai Kakap. Objective: Analyze
the influence of Google Word Wall on motivation and learning outcomes in Economics …
the influence of Google Word Wall on motivation and learning outcomes in Economics …