Formal methods in railways: a systematic map** study
Formal methods are mathematically based techniques for the rigorous development of
software-intensive systems. The railway signaling domain is a field in which formal methods …
software-intensive systems. The railway signaling domain is a field in which formal methods …
Does every computer scientist need to know formal methods?
We focus on the integration of Formal Methods as mandatory theme in any Computer
Science University curriculum. In particular, when considering the ACM Curriculum for …
Science University curriculum. In particular, when considering the ACM Curriculum for …
Towards formal methods diversity in railways: an experience report with seven frameworks
In the ever expanding universe of formal methods, several tools exist that can be exploited to
validate early system designs, and that are applicable to problems of the railway domain. In …
validate early system designs, and that are applicable to problems of the railway domain. In …
Railway transportation of dangerous goods: a bibliometric aspect
T Kolesnykova, O Matveyeva… - MATEC Web of …, 2019 - matec-conferences.org
The purpose of this paper is to research and define the promising worldwide scientific trends
in the field of railway transportation of various dangerous goods. To obtain relevant …
in the field of railway transportation of various dangerous goods. To obtain relevant …
Formal methods communities of practice: A survey of personal experience
This paper surveys certain Communities of Practice (CoP) in the field of formal methods for
software engineering, especially with respect to state-based notations, using personal …
software engineering, especially with respect to state-based notations, using personal …
[KNJIGA][B] On the Construction of Engineering Handbooks: With an Illustration from the Railway Safety Domain
S Gruner, A Kumar, T Maibaum, M Roggenbach - 2020 - Springer
This book focuses on the clarification of what actually a handbook is, the systematic
identification of what ought to be considered as “settled knowledge”(extracted from historic …
identification of what ought to be considered as “settled knowledge”(extracted from historic …
Invited Lecture: Notions of'Theory'and their Practical Consequences in the Discipline of Software'Engineering'(including Information Systems Design)
S Gruner - South African Computer Journal, 2020 - journals.co.za
Preliminaries. In the context of the AISSAC seminar on information systems, to which this
invited lecture was given, it is presumed throughout the following considerations that:• …
invited lecture was given, it is presumed throughout the following considerations that:• …
Research directions regarding the adoption of formal methods in the railway signaling sector: Determinants and next steps for future-proof railways
ABSTRACT The terms Formal Methods (FMs) refer to a set of techniques and software
toolkits that, based on mathematical rigor, can enhance safety, security, and the efficient …
toolkits that, based on mathematical rigor, can enhance safety, security, and the efficient …
Stefan Gruner Apurva Kumar Tom Maibaum
M Roggenbach - Springer
Established engineering disciplines (and, in a similar way, the discipline of medicine) have
desktop handbooks which are partly descriptive and partly normative: they give the …
desktop handbooks which are partly descriptive and partly normative: they give the …
[PDF][PDF] Towards Formal Methods Diversity in Railways: an Experience with Six Formal Tools
Several formal tools exist that can be exploited to validate early system designs, and that are
applicable to problems of the railway domain. In this paper, we present an experience in …
applicable to problems of the railway domain. In this paper, we present an experience in …