A rational design of functional porous frameworks for electrocatalytic CO 2 reduction reaction

C Wang, Z Lv, W Yang, X Feng, B Wang - Chemical Society Reviews, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
The electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction (ECO2RR) is considered one of the approaches
with the most potential to achieve lower carbon emissions in the future, but a huge gap still …

Oxide–and silicate–water interfaces and their roles in technology and the environment

JL Bañuelos, E Borguet, GE Brown Jr… - Chemical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Interfacial reactions drive all elemental cycling on Earth and play pivotal roles in human
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …

Carbon redirection via tunable Fenton-like reactions under nanoconfinement toward sustainable water treatment

X Gao, Z Yang, W Zhang, B Pan - Nature communications, 2024 - nature.com
The ongoing pattern shift in water treatment from pollution control to energy recovery
challenges the energy-intensive chemical oxidation processes that have been developed for …

Biomolecular condensates are characterized by interphase electric potentials

AE Posey, A Bremer, NA Erkamp, A Pant… - Journal of the …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Biomolecular condensates form via processes that combine phase separation and
reversible associations of multivalent macromolecules. Condensates can be two-or …

Ion transport and ultra-efficient osmotic power generation in boron nitride nanotube porins

Z Li, AT Hall, Y Wang, Y Li, DO Byrne, LR Scammell… - Science …, 2024 - science.org
Nanotube porins form transmembrane nanomaterial-derived scaffolds that mimic the
geometry and functionality of biological membrane channels. We report synthesis, transport …

Enhanced and extended ophthalmic drug delivery by pH-Triggered drug-eluting contact lenses with large-pore mesoporous silica nanoparticles

CF Lai, FJ Shiau - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023 - ACS Publications
Drug-eluting contact lenses (DCLs) have attracted considerable attention as potential
therapeutic ophthalmic drug delivery devices. In this study, we propose, fabricate, and …

Bridging molecular-scale interfacial science with continuum-scale models

AG Ilgen, E Borguet, FM Geiger, JM Gibbs… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Solid–water interfaces are crucial for clean water, conventional and renewable energy, and
effective nuclear waste management. However, reflecting the complexity of reactive …

Formic and acetic acid p K a values increase under nanoconfinement

I Sit, BT Fashina, AP Baldo, K Leung, VH Grassian… - RSC …, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Organic acids are prevalent in the environment and their acidity and the corresponding
dissociation constants can change under varying environmental conditions. The impact of …

Incidental iron oxide nanoclusters drive confined Fenton-like detoxification of solid wastes towards sustainable resource recovery

Z Yang, Y Yin, M Liang, W Fu, J Zhang, F Liu… - Nature …, 2025 - nature.com
The unique properties of nanomaterials offer vast opportunities to advance sustainable
processes. Incidental nanoparticles (INPs) represent a significant part of nanomaterials, yet …

Surface functional groups affect iron (Hydr) oxide heterogeneous nucleation: implications for membrane scaling

PI Chou, D Ghim, P Gupta, S Singamaneni… - Environmental …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Because of its favorable thermodynamics and fast kinetics, heterogeneous solid nucleation
on membranes triggers early-stage mineral scaling. Iron (hydr) oxide, a typical membrane …