A rational design of functional porous frameworks for electrocatalytic CO 2 reduction reaction
The electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction (ECO2RR) is considered one of the approaches
with the most potential to achieve lower carbon emissions in the future, but a huge gap still …
with the most potential to achieve lower carbon emissions in the future, but a huge gap still …
Oxide–and silicate–water interfaces and their roles in technology and the environment
Interfacial reactions drive all elemental cycling on Earth and play pivotal roles in human
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
Carbon redirection via tunable Fenton-like reactions under nanoconfinement toward sustainable water treatment
The ongoing pattern shift in water treatment from pollution control to energy recovery
challenges the energy-intensive chemical oxidation processes that have been developed for …
challenges the energy-intensive chemical oxidation processes that have been developed for …
Biomolecular condensates are characterized by interphase electric potentials
Biomolecular condensates form via processes that combine phase separation and
reversible associations of multivalent macromolecules. Condensates can be two-or …
reversible associations of multivalent macromolecules. Condensates can be two-or …
Ion transport and ultra-efficient osmotic power generation in boron nitride nanotube porins
Nanotube porins form transmembrane nanomaterial-derived scaffolds that mimic the
geometry and functionality of biological membrane channels. We report synthesis, transport …
geometry and functionality of biological membrane channels. We report synthesis, transport …
Enhanced and extended ophthalmic drug delivery by pH-Triggered drug-eluting contact lenses with large-pore mesoporous silica nanoparticles
CF Lai, FJ Shiau - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023 - ACS Publications
Drug-eluting contact lenses (DCLs) have attracted considerable attention as potential
therapeutic ophthalmic drug delivery devices. In this study, we propose, fabricate, and …
therapeutic ophthalmic drug delivery devices. In this study, we propose, fabricate, and …
Bridging molecular-scale interfacial science with continuum-scale models
Solid–water interfaces are crucial for clean water, conventional and renewable energy, and
effective nuclear waste management. However, reflecting the complexity of reactive …
effective nuclear waste management. However, reflecting the complexity of reactive …
Formic and acetic acid p K a values increase under nanoconfinement
Organic acids are prevalent in the environment and their acidity and the corresponding
dissociation constants can change under varying environmental conditions. The impact of …
dissociation constants can change under varying environmental conditions. The impact of …
Incidental iron oxide nanoclusters drive confined Fenton-like detoxification of solid wastes towards sustainable resource recovery
The unique properties of nanomaterials offer vast opportunities to advance sustainable
processes. Incidental nanoparticles (INPs) represent a significant part of nanomaterials, yet …
processes. Incidental nanoparticles (INPs) represent a significant part of nanomaterials, yet …
Surface functional groups affect iron (Hydr) oxide heterogeneous nucleation: implications for membrane scaling
Because of its favorable thermodynamics and fast kinetics, heterogeneous solid nucleation
on membranes triggers early-stage mineral scaling. Iron (hydr) oxide, a typical membrane …
on membranes triggers early-stage mineral scaling. Iron (hydr) oxide, a typical membrane …