Generating reliable friends via adversarial training to improve social recommendation
Most of the recent studies of social recommendation assume that people share similar
preferences with their friends and the online social relations are helpful in improving …
preferences with their friends and the online social relations are helpful in improving …
A social commerce purchasing decision model with trust network and item review information
Shop** without much experience on target items is not unusual in social commerce (s-
commerce). Inexperienced users are often influenced by user reviews when making …
commerce). Inexperienced users are often influenced by user reviews when making …
Recommendation based on attributes and social relationships
Attributes are important auxiliary information for representing user and item features,
especially in data-sparse scenario, and can serve as their main source. However, different …
especially in data-sparse scenario, and can serve as their main source. However, different …
Harnessing heterogeneous social networks for better recommendations: A grey relational analysis approach
L Weng, Q Zhang, Z Lin, L Wu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
Most of the extant studies in social recommender system are based on explicit social
relationships, while the potential of implicit relationships in the heterogeneous social …
relationships, while the potential of implicit relationships in the heterogeneous social …
A matrix factorization model for hellinger-based trust management in social internet of things
The Social Internet of Things (SIoT), integration of the Internet of Things, and Social
Networks paradigms, has been introduced to build a network of smart nodes that are …
Networks paradigms, has been introduced to build a network of smart nodes that are …
An interval-valued matrix factorization based trust-aware collaborative filtering algorithm for recommendation systems
J Chang, F Yu, C Ouyang, H Yang, Q He, L Yu - Information Sciences, 2025 - Elsevier
In existing trust-aware collaborative filtering algorithms, each trust relationship between two
users is usually represented by a real number, but such a number is neither sufficient to …
users is usually represented by a real number, but such a number is neither sufficient to …
A trust and semantic based approach for social recommendation
With the rapid advancement of Internet, e-commerce websites and social networks, people
prefer to receive recommendations from their social friends rather than strangers. Also, the …
prefer to receive recommendations from their social friends rather than strangers. Also, the …
Exploiting social review-enhanced convolutional matrix factorization for social recommendation
To deal with the inherent data sparsity and cold-start problem, many recommender systems
try to exploit the textual information for improving prediction accuracy. Due to the significant …
try to exploit the textual information for improving prediction accuracy. Due to the significant …
Compressive sensing of high betweenness centrality nodes in networks
Betweenness centrality is a prominent centrality measure expressing importance of a node
within a network, in terms of the fraction of shortest paths passing through that node. Nodes …
within a network, in terms of the fraction of shortest paths passing through that node. Nodes …
Social influence-based personal latent factors learning for effective recommendation
Y Wei, H Ma, R Zhang - Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2022 - Springer
Social recommendation has become an important technique of various online commerce
platforms, which aims to predict the user preference based on the social network and the …
platforms, which aims to predict the user preference based on the social network and the …