Affective processing in bilingual speakers: Disembodied cognition?
A recent study by Keysar, Hayakawa, and An (2012) suggests that “thinking in a foreign
language” may reduce decision biases because a foreign language provides a greater …
language” may reduce decision biases because a foreign language provides a greater …
Color associations to emotion and emotion-laden words: A collection of norms for stimulus construction and selection
Color has the ability to influence a variety of human behaviors, such as object recognition,
the identification of facial expressions, and the ability to categorize stimuli as positive or …
the identification of facial expressions, and the ability to categorize stimuli as positive or …
Too late to be grounded? Motor resonance for action words acquired after middle childhood
Though well established for languages acquired in infancy, the role of embodied
mechanisms remains poorly understood for languages learned in middle childhood and …
mechanisms remains poorly understood for languages learned in middle childhood and …
Time course of emotion effects during emotion-label and emotion-laden word processing
X Wang, C Shangguan, J Lu - Neuroscience letters, 2019 - Elsevier
Previous studies have investigated the time course of emotion effects during emotion-word
processing, but no consistent pattern has emerged. Notably, most of these studies …
processing, but no consistent pattern has emerged. Notably, most of these studies …
The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language
Neurobilingualism research has failed to reveal significant language differences in the
processing of affective content. However, the evidence to date derives mostly from studies in …
processing of affective content. However, the evidence to date derives mostly from studies in …
The neural mechanisms of explicit and implicit processing of Chinese emotion-label and emotion-laden words: evidence from emotional categorisation and emotional …
J Liu, L Fan, L Tian, C Li, W Feng - Language, Cognition and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This study set out to examine the valence effect on the explicit and implicit processing of
Chinese emotion-label and emotion-laden words with emotional categorisation task (ECT) …
Chinese emotion-label and emotion-laden words with emotional categorisation task (ECT) …
Emotion word processing: Effects of word type and valence in Spanish–English bilinguals
Previous studies comparing emotion and emotion-laden word processing have used various
cognitive tasks, including an Affective Simon Task (Altarriba and Basnight-Brown in Int J …
cognitive tasks, including an Affective Simon Task (Altarriba and Basnight-Brown in Int J …
The automatic activation of emotion and emotion-laden words: Evidence from a masked and unmasked priming paradigm
A primed lexical decision task (ldt) was used to determine whether emotion (eg, love, fear)
and emotion-laden (eg, puppy, hospital) word processing differs, both explicitly and …
and emotion-laden (eg, puppy, hospital) word processing differs, both explicitly and …
Affective norms for 380 Spanish words belonging to three different semantic categories
Emotional words are increasingly used in the study of word processing. To elucidate
whether the experimental effects obtained with these words are due either to their affective …
whether the experimental effects obtained with these words are due either to their affective …
Emotion effects during reading: Influence of an emotion target word on eye movements and processing
Recently, Scott, O'Donnell and Sereno reported that words of high valence and arousal are
processed with greater ease than neutral words during sentence reading. However, this …
processed with greater ease than neutral words during sentence reading. However, this …