Frontiers in páramo water resources research: A multidisciplinary assessment
Interdisciplinary knowledge is necessary to achieve sustainable management of natural
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
Progress in understanding the hydrology of high-elevation Andean grasslands under changing land use
High-elevation grasslands worldwide provide essential hydrological services including
water provision, flow regulation, and erosion control. Despite their importance, hydrological …
water provision, flow regulation, and erosion control. Despite their importance, hydrological …
Vegetation effects on soil pore structure and hydraulic properties in volcanic ash soils of the high Andes
Soil hydraulic properties control the provision of hydrological services. Vegetation and
topography influence these properties by altering soil structure and porosity. The underlying …
topography influence these properties by altering soil structure and porosity. The underlying …
The role of peat-forming bofedales in sustaining baseflow in the humid puna
W Wunderlich, M Lang, K Keating, WB Perez… - Journal of Hydrology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Study region Humid puna of the Central Andes, Perú Study focus Bofedales, or peat-forming
wetlands, are a characteristic feature of the humid puna-a high elevation, seasonally dry …
wetlands, are a characteristic feature of the humid puna-a high elevation, seasonally dry …
How does building healthy soils impact sustainable use of water resources in irrigated agriculture?
As blue water resources become increasingly scarce with more frequent droughts and
overuse, irrigated agriculture faces significant challenges to reduce its water footprint while …
overuse, irrigated agriculture faces significant challenges to reduce its water footprint while …
[HTML][HTML] Soil–vegetation–water interactions controlling solute flow and chemical weathering in volcanic ash soils of the high Andes
Vegetation plays a key role in the hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. It can influence
soil water fluxes and transport, which are critical for chemical weathering and soil …
soil water fluxes and transport, which are critical for chemical weathering and soil …
Ecohydrological assessment of the water balance of the world's highest elevation tropical forest (Polylepis)
Polylepis trees grow at elevations above the continuous tree line (3000–5000 m asl) across
the Andes. They tolerate extreme environmental conditions, making them sensitive …
the Andes. They tolerate extreme environmental conditions, making them sensitive …
Effect of groundwater residence time on geogenic fluoride release into groundwater in the Mt. Meru slope area, Tanzania, the Great Rift Valley, East Africa
S Nakaya, R Takada, J Yasumoto, H Masuda… - Journal of Contaminant …, 2023 - Elsevier
People living in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa suffer from fluorosis resulting from their
consumption of groundwater. This paper shows that geogenic fluoride contamination in a …
consumption of groundwater. This paper shows that geogenic fluoride contamination in a …
Delineation of water flow paths in a tropical Andean headwater catchment with deep soils and permeable bedrock
Traditional hydrometric data combined with environmental tracers such as water stable
isotopes contributes to improve the understanding of catchment hydrology. Nevertheless …
isotopes contributes to improve the understanding of catchment hydrology. Nevertheless …
A field, laboratory, and literature review evaluation of the water retention curve of volcanic ash soils: How well do standard laboratory methods reflect field conditions?
Accurate determination of the water retention curve (WRC) of a soil is essential for the
understanding and modelling of the subsurface hydrological, ecological, and …
understanding and modelling of the subsurface hydrological, ecological, and …