[PDF][PDF] Search-based program synthesis
Search-based program synthesis Page 1 84 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | DECEMBER
2018 | VOL. 61 | NO. 12 review articles Writing programs that are both correct and efficient is …
2018 | VOL. 61 | NO. 12 review articles Writing programs that are both correct and efficient is …
Can large language models reason about program invariants?
Identifying invariants is an important program analysis task with applications towards
program understanding, bug finding, vulnerability analysis, and formal verification. Existing …
program understanding, bug finding, vulnerability analysis, and formal verification. Existing …
[KNIHA][B] Syntax-guided synthesis
The classical formulation of the program-synthesis problem is to find a program that meets a
correctness specification given as a logical formula. Recent work on program synthesis and …
correctness specification given as a logical formula. Recent work on program synthesis and …
Synthesizing data structure transformations from input-output examples
We present a method for example-guided synthesis of functional programs over recursive
data structures. Given a set of input-output examples, our method synthesizes a program in …
data structures. Given a set of input-output examples, our method synthesizes a program in …
Learning loop invariants for program verification
A fundamental problem in program verification concerns inferring loop invariants. The
problem is undecidable and even practical instances are challenging. Inspired by how …
problem is undecidable and even practical instances are challenging. Inspired by how …
Learning invariants using decision trees and implication counterexamples
Inductive invariants can be robustly synthesized using a learning model where the teacher is
a program verifier who instructs the learner through concrete program configurations …
a program verifier who instructs the learner through concrete program configurations …
Optimization and abstraction: a synergistic approach for analyzing neural network robustness
In recent years, the notion of local robustness (or robustness for short) has emerged as a
desirable property of deep neural networks. Intuitively, robustness means that small …
desirable property of deep neural networks. Intuitively, robustness means that small …
Data-driven precondition inference with learned features
We extend the data-driven approach to inferring preconditions for code from a set of test
executions. Prior work requires a fixed set of features, atomic predicates that define the …
executions. Prior work requires a fixed set of features, atomic predicates that define the …
Constraint-based relational verification
In recent years they have been numerous works that aim to automate relational verification.
Meanwhile, although Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs CHCs) empower a wide range of …
Meanwhile, although Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs CHCs) empower a wide range of …
Search-based llms for code optimization
The code written by developers usually suffers from efficiency problems and contain various
performance bugs. These inefficiencies necessitate the research of automated refactoring …
performance bugs. These inefficiencies necessitate the research of automated refactoring …