Two-step closure of the Miocene Indian Ocean Gateway to the Mediterranean
Abstract The Tethys Ocean was compartmentalized into the Mediterranean Sea and Indian
Ocean during the early Miocene, yet the exact nature and timing of this disconnection are …
Ocean during the early Miocene, yet the exact nature and timing of this disconnection are …
Early differentiation and volatile accretion recorded in deep-mantle neon and xenon
S Mukhopadhyay - Nature, 2012 -
The isotopes 129Xe, produced from the radioactive decay of extinct 129I, and 136Xe,
produced from extinct 244Pu and extant 238U, have provided important constraints on early …
produced from extinct 244Pu and extant 238U, have provided important constraints on early …
Climatic control of bedrock river incision
Bedrock river incision drives the development of much of Earth's surface topography,,, and
thereby shapes the structure of mountain belts and modulates Earth's habitability through its …
thereby shapes the structure of mountain belts and modulates Earth's habitability through its …
Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts
How much of Earth's compositional variation dates to processes that occurred during planet
formation remains an unanswered question. High-precision tungsten isotopic data from …
formation remains an unanswered question. High-precision tungsten isotopic data from …
Capture of nebular gases during Earth's accretion is preserved in deep-mantle neon
Evidence for the capture of nebular gases by planetary interiors would place important
constraints on models of planet formation. These constraints include accretion timescales …
constraints on models of planet formation. These constraints include accretion timescales …
Characterising the origin, nature and fate of sediment exported from catchments perturbed by active tectonics
Changes to the tectonic boundary conditions governing erosional dynamics in upland
catchments have a significant effect on the nature and magnitude of sediment supply to …
catchments have a significant effect on the nature and magnitude of sediment supply to …
Cosmogenic 3He in terrestrial rocks: A review
PH Blard - Chemical Geology, 2021 - Elsevier
This review article summarizes the state of the art of cosmogenic 3 He (3 He c), with a focus
on the most efficient methods and strategies for measuring this cosmogenic noble gas in the …
on the most efficient methods and strategies for measuring this cosmogenic noble gas in the …
Primitive helium is sourced from seismically slow regions in the lowermost mantle
A major goal in Earth Science has been to understand how geochemical characteristics of
lavas at the Earth's surface relate to the location and formation history of specific regions in …
lavas at the Earth's surface relate to the location and formation history of specific regions in …
Quantifying effects of deep and near‐surface chemical erosion on cosmogenic nuclides in soils, saprolite, and sediment
Cosmogenic nuclides in rock, soil, and sediment are routinely used to measure denudation
rates of catchments and hillslopes. Although it has been shown that these measurements …
rates of catchments and hillslopes. Although it has been shown that these measurements …
Controls on interior West Antarctic Ice Sheet Elevations: inferences from geologic constraints and ice sheet modeling
Knowledge of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) response to past sea level and climate
forcing is necessary to predict its response to warmer temperatures in the future. The timing …
forcing is necessary to predict its response to warmer temperatures in the future. The timing …