Taking search to task
The importance of tasks in information retrieval (IR) has been long argued for, addressed in
different ways, often ignored, and frequently revisited. For decades, scholars made a case …
different ways, often ignored, and frequently revisited. For decades, scholars made a case …
[CARTE][B] Task intelligence for search and recommendation
While great strides have been made in the field of search and recommendation, there are
still challenges and opportunities to address information access issues that involve solving …
still challenges and opportunities to address information access issues that involve solving …
Bridging gaps: Predicting user and task characteristics from partial user information
Interactive information retrieval (IIR) researchers often conduct laboratory studies to
understand the relationship between people seeking information and information retrieval …
understand the relationship between people seeking information and information retrieval …
Tutorial on task-based search and assistance
While great strides are made in the field of search and recommendation, there are still
challenges and opportunities to address information access issues that involve solving tasks …
challenges and opportunities to address information access issues that involve solving tasks …
Bridging task expressions and search queries
People engage in search episodes as they have a task or a problematic situation. Often this
task is not clearly expressed by the information seeker, nor directly supported by the search …
task is not clearly expressed by the information seeker, nor directly supported by the search …
Investigating information seeking in physical and online environments with escape room and web search
Searching and interacting with information is one of the most fundamental behaviours of
human beings–something that takes place in both online and physical environments. Yet …
human beings–something that takes place in both online and physical environments. Yet …
Adopting a graphical perspective in interactive information retrieval research
M Mitsui - 2018 - rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu
Previous work in interactive information retrieval (IIR) has explored the relationships
between individuals' search behavior, the characteristics of their search tasks, and their …
between individuals' search behavior, the characteristics of their search tasks, and their …