Silicon, a quasi-essential element: Availability in soil, fertilizer regime, optimum dosage, and uptake in plants
The essentiality of silicon (Si) has always been a matter of debate as it is not considered
crucial for the lifecycles of most plants. But beneficial effects of endogenous Si and its …
crucial for the lifecycles of most plants. But beneficial effects of endogenous Si and its …
[HTML][HTML] The continental Si cycle and its impact on the ocean Si isotope budget
The silicon isotope composition of biogenic silica (δ 30 Si BSi) in the ocean is a function of
the δ 30 Si of the available dissolved Si (DSi; H 2 SiO 4), the degree of utilisation of the …
the δ 30 Si of the available dissolved Si (DSi; H 2 SiO 4), the degree of utilisation of the …
New sample preparation techniques for the determination of Si isotopic compositions using MC-ICPMS
Techniques for the purification of Si for the determination of its natural stable isotopic
composition have in the past been based on the requirements for gas-source mass …
composition have in the past been based on the requirements for gas-source mass …
Barium stable isotopes in the global ocean: Tracer of Ba inputs and utilization
Barium has been used as a biogeochemical tracer for alkalinity, productivity, and riverine
inputs in the ocean, but its oceanic cycle remains poorly constrained. Barium stable isotope …
inputs in the ocean, but its oceanic cycle remains poorly constrained. Barium stable isotope …
An inter-laboratory comparison of Si isotope reference materials
BC Reynolds, J Aggarwal, L André, D Baxter… - Journal of Analytical …, 2007 -
Three Si isotope materials have been used for an inter-laboratory comparison exercise to
ensure reproducibility between international laboratories investigating natural Si isotope …
ensure reproducibility between international laboratories investigating natural Si isotope …
Iron isotope composition of some Archean and Proterozoic iron formations
Fe isotopes can provide new insight into redox-dependent biogeochemical processes.
Precambrian iron formations (IF) are deserving targets for Fe isotope studies because they …
Precambrian iron formations (IF) are deserving targets for Fe isotope studies because they …
Dual role of seawater and hydrothermal fluids in Early Archean chert formation: evidence from silicon isotopes
SHJM van den Boorn, MJ van Bergen… - …, 2007 -
The great variety and abundance of chert deposits in Archean terrains constitute one of the
most unusual features that mark Earth's early geological history. Proposed explanations for …
most unusual features that mark Earth's early geological history. Proposed explanations for …
Silicon isotope variations accompanying basalt weathering in Iceland
This study presents the Si isotope compositions of the dissolved phase of twenty rivers from
across Iceland. The high-resolution Nu Plasma 1700 MC-ICP-MS was used to provide …
across Iceland. The high-resolution Nu Plasma 1700 MC-ICP-MS was used to provide …
Precise determination of the open ocean 234U/238U composition
MB Andersen, CH Stirling… - Geochemistry …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Uranium has a long residence time in the open oceans, and therefore, its salinity‐
normalized U concentration and 234U/238U activity ratio (expressed herein as δ234U, the‰ …
normalized U concentration and 234U/238U activity ratio (expressed herein as δ234U, the‰ …
A review of the stable isotope bio-geochemistry of the global silicon cycle and its associated trace elements
Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust and is an important
nutrient in the ocean. The global Si cycle plays a critical role in regulating primary …
nutrient in the ocean. The global Si cycle plays a critical role in regulating primary …