The perception systems used in fully automated vehicles: a comparative analysis
K Rana, G Gupta, P Vaidya, M Khari - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023 - Springer
Over the last decade, researchers and the car industry became very active in the
deployment of driverless cars as they can greatly increase safety of the vehicle, rate of traffic …
deployment of driverless cars as they can greatly increase safety of the vehicle, rate of traffic …
[HTML][HTML] Research on Pedestrian and Cyclist Classification Method Based on Micro-Doppler Effect
X Chen, X Luo, Z **e, D Zhao, Z Zheng, X Sun - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
In the field of autonomous driving, it is important to protect vulnerable road users (VRUs) and
ensure the safety of autonomous driving effectively by improving the detection accuracy of …
ensure the safety of autonomous driving effectively by improving the detection accuracy of …
Comparative study of Automotive Sensor technologies used for Unmanned Driving
K Rana, P Kaur - 2021 2nd International Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Autonomous vehicles utilize a large amount of data from Machine Learning, Neural
networks, Image recognition systems for building the techniques that can drive …
networks, Image recognition systems for building the techniques that can drive …
A Real-Time collision detection system for vehicles
A real-time collision detection system has become a crucial safety feature in vehicles today,
mainly after the evolution of autonomous and self-driving vehicles. It is proved to be very …
mainly after the evolution of autonomous and self-driving vehicles. It is proved to be very …
Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Object Trackers in IOT based autonomous intelligent vehicles
The crucial challenge in autonomous intelligent vehicles is multi-object tracking, classifying,
and locating in a variety of traffic conditions. Car makers and academic researchers are …
and locating in a variety of traffic conditions. Car makers and academic researchers are …
Artificial Neural Networks for (Automotive) Embedded Control-A Comparative Study
Due to huge advances in high-performance computing hardware, artificial intelligence and
its subcategory machine-learning have gained a very significant importance in many fields …
its subcategory machine-learning have gained a very significant importance in many fields …