[HTML][HTML] A systematic literature review on authentic assessment in higher education: Best practices for the development of 21st century skills, and policy considerations

D Vlachopoulos, A Makri - Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2024 - Elsevier
Authentic assessment methods involve the application of real-world tasks to evaluate
students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a way that replicates actual situations in which …

A whole learning process-oriented formative assessment framework to cultivate complex skills

X Xu, W Shen, AYM Islam, Y Zhou - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 - nature.com
In the 21st century, cultivating complex skills has become an urgent educational need,
especially in vocational training and learning. The widespread lack of formative assessment …

English Curricula in ASEAN Selected Countries: A Comparative Study

C Nuraeni, A Priadi - Scope: Journal of English Language …, 2024 - journal.lppmunindra.ac.id
To ensure the development of the ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN countries must use
English as the common language of business, education, and social life. Indeed, several …

Online Assessments Among Diverse Students in Malaysia Higher Education: Self-Efficacy and Technology Awareness

A Devisakti, MI Rohayati - TechTrends, 2024 - Springer
Students from diverse backgrounds often face challenges that are not in parallel with the
evolution of equitable assessments in higher education. Thus, this study employed the …

[PDF][PDF] Uses of Authentic Assessment Tools: Implications towards Competence Acquisition among Undergraduate Prospective Science Teachers in Tanzania

B Nyinge - East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2022 - ajol.info
The study was concerned with the uses of authentic assessment tools in higher education
institutions, particularly portfolios and practical work. The study employed the mixed method …

Introduction to Alternative Assessment

FD Yusop, A Firdaus, SNS Syed Omar - Alternative Assessments in …, 2022 - Springer
Assessment of student learning is an important element in teaching and learning (T&L).
Traditionally, assessments tended to be summative in nature and came in the form of written …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing Lecturers' Belief on Assessment in Nigeria Using Brown's Factor Model of Assessment Belief: A Study of Content-based Validity.

Y Umar, LH Lian - Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & …, 2024 - journals-jd.upm.edu.my
The objectives of this study are threefold: First, to highlight the importance of assessment
beliefs and their contribution to the practice of assessment. Second, the current literature on …

Development of formative assessment in history lessons with research-based learning model to measure historical thinking skills

A Fikri - Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 2025 - malque.pub
The aim of this study is to develop a valid, practical, and effective formative assessment
based on history education with a research-based learning model in the History Education …

[PDF][PDF] Instructors' Perceptions of Authentic Assessment to Competences Acquisition among Undergraduate Prospective Science Teachers in Tanzania

B Nyinge - European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 2023 - academia.edu
Authentic assessment is perceived differently by instructors about competence acquisition.
Sometimes instructors perceive authentic assessment positively but when it comes to the …

Kappa Fleiss Analysis: Evidence Of Content Validity for Formative Assessment Literacy Test for Teachers of Fundamental Subjects in Vocational Special School …

IJ Yusof, FEA Rahim - Sains Humanika, 2024 - sainshumanika.utm.my
Abstract The Formative Assessment Literacy Test (FAT) is a new instrument designed to
identify and assess fundamental subject teachers' formative assessment literacy (FAL) in …