Electric motor production 4.0–application potentials of industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing of electric motors
Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) is accompanied by a variety of technologies which offer great potential for
optimizing the manufacturing of electric motors. However, the application of I4. 0 …
optimizing the manufacturing of electric motors. However, the application of I4. 0 …
Gradual tool-based optimization of engineering processes aiming at a knowledge-based configuration of robot-based automation solutions
Due to the growing individualization and ever shorter product life cycles, the engineering of
automation solutions is facing increasing challenges. The rethinking of common engineering …
automation solutions is facing increasing challenges. The rethinking of common engineering …
Coherences between production technology and performance of electric traction drives
M Halwas, F Sell-Le Blanc, B Jux… - 2019 9th …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Coherences between production technology and performance of electric traction drives are
published or based on experiential knowledge. The content of this paper shall represent an …
published or based on experiential knowledge. The content of this paper shall represent an …
Towards a data-driven process monitoring for machining operations using the example of electric drive production
The market volume of electric drives for industrial applications and electric mobility is
increasing steadily. Thus, efficient ways for monitoring and optimizing the production of …
increasing steadily. Thus, efficient ways for monitoring and optimizing the production of …
Automated and flexible production of inductive charging systems as an enabler for the breakthrough of electric mobility
Despite numerous purchase incentives, the spread of electric mobility in Germany is lagging
behind expectations and political targets. The main reasons are the high acquisition costs …
behind expectations and political targets. The main reasons are the high acquisition costs …
Processing influences of resin-based insulation materials for wireless power transfer applications
Due to the electrification of the whole mobility sector, the demand for new insulation
materials and processes is constantly increasing. Beside the electric traction drives, new …
materials and processes is constantly increasing. Beside the electric traction drives, new …
Machine learning in electric motor production-potentials, challenges and exemplary applications
Artificial intelligence entails a wide range of technologies, which provide great potential for
tomorrow's electric motor production. Above all, data-driven techniques such as machine …
tomorrow's electric motor production. Above all, data-driven techniques such as machine …
Potentials of process monitoring during laser welding of electrical steel laminations
The increasing demand for highly efficient electric motors for traction applications leads to
novel challenges for electric motor manufacturers. With the use of more advanced motor …
novel challenges for electric motor manufacturers. With the use of more advanced motor …
Techno-economic evaluation of strategic solutions to extend the range of electric vehicles
The spread of electric mobility in Germany lags far behind government's targets. High
vehicle and energy prices, the limited vehicle range and obligatory time-consuming …
vehicle and energy prices, the limited vehicle range and obligatory time-consuming …
Towards a knowledge-based design methodology for managing the complexity in the integrated product and process development of electric motors
Due to the increasing areas of application, the development and production of electric
motors has become one of the most relevant topics in engineering research. In order to …
motors has become one of the most relevant topics in engineering research. In order to …