Lattice simulations for few-and many-body systems

D Lee - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2009 - Elsevier
We review the recent literature on lattice simulations for few-and many-body systems. We
focus on methods that combine the framework of effective field theory with computational …

Light hadron masses from lattice QCD

Z Fodor, C Hoelbling - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012 - APS
This article reviews lattice QCD results for the light hadron spectrum. An overview of different
formulations of lattice QCD with discussions on the fermion doubling problem and …

Excited state baryon spectroscopy from lattice QCD

RG Edwards, JJ Dudek, DG Richards… - Physical Review D …, 2011 - APS
We present a calculation of the Nucleon and Delta excited state spectra on dynamical
anisotropic clover lattices. A method for operator construction is introduced that allows for …

Novel quark-field creation operator construction for hadronic physics in lattice QCD

M Peardon, J Bulava, J Foley, C Morningstar… - Physical Review D …, 2009 - APS
A new quark-field smearing algorithm is defined which enables efficient calculations of a
broad range of hadron correlation functions. The technique applies a low-rank operator to …

Light nuclei and hypernuclei from quantum chromodynamics<? format?> in the limit of SU (3) flavor symmetry

SR Beane, E Chang, SD Cohen, W Detmold… - Physical Review D …, 2013 - APS
The binding energies of a range of nuclei and hypernuclei with atomic number A≤ 4 and
strangeness| s|≤ 2, including the deuteron, dineutron, H-dibaryon, He 3, He Λ 3, He 4, He Λ …

Toward the excited meson spectrum of dynamical QCD

JJ Dudek, RG Edwards, MJ Peardon, DG Richards… - Physical Review D …, 2010 - APS
We present a detailed description of the extraction of the highly excited isovector meson
spectrum on dynamical anisotropic lattices using a new quark-field construction algorithm …

Improved stochastic estimation of quark propagation<? format?> with Laplacian Heaviside smearing in lattice QCD

C Morningstar, J Bulava, J Foley, KJ Juge… - Physical Review D …, 2011 - APS
A new method of stochastically estimating the low-lying effects of quark propagation is
proposed which allows accurate determinations of temporal correlations of single-hadron …

[HTML][HTML] NΩ dibaryon from lattice QCD near the physical point

T Iritani, S Aoki, T Doi, F Etminan, S Gongyo, T Hatsuda… - Physics Letters B, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The nucleon (N)-Omega (Ω) system in the S-wave and spin-2 channel (S 2 5) is
studied from the (2+ 1)-flavor lattice QCD with nearly physical quark masses (m π≃ 146 MeV …

First results from dynamical quark flavors on an anisotropic lattice: Light-hadron spectroscopy and setting the strange-quark mass

HW Lin, SD Cohen, J Dudek, RG Edwards, B Joó… - Physical Review D …, 2009 - APS
We present the first light-hadron spectroscopy on a set of N f= 2+ 1 dynamical, anisotropic
lattices. A convenient set of coordinates that parameterize the two-dimensional plane of light …

Multichannel transition amplitudes in a finite volume

RA Briceño, MT Hansen, A Walker-Loud - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
We perform a model-independent, nonperturbative investigation of two-point and three-point
finite-volume correlation functions in the energy regime where two-particle states can go on …