Experiences with multiple job holding: a qualitative study among Dutch older workers

S Bouwhuis, A De Wind, A De Kruif, GA Geuskens… - BMC public health, 2018 - Springer
Background Multiple job holding (MJH) is a common and growing phenomenon in many
countries. Little is known about experiences with MJH among older workers. The objective of …

The longitudinal association between multiple job holding and long-term sickness absence among Danish employees: an explorative study using register-based data

S Bouwhuis, AH Garde, GA Geuskens… - International archives of …, 2017 - Springer
Purpose Multiple job holding (MJH) is common in many countries, but little is known about
its (health) consequences. Our aim is to explore the longitudinal association between MJH …

Sustaining the employability of the low skilled worker: Development, mobility and work redesign

J Sanders - 2016 - cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl
This PhD thesis focuses on three strategies to sustain employability: development (ie
adjusting one's knowledge base), mobility (ie changing jobs) and work redesign (ie making …

Health differences between multiple and single job holders in precarious employment in the Netherlands: A cross-sectional study among Dutch workers

S Bouwhuis, GA Geuskens, CRL Boot… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Introduction Precarious employment is associated with poor health. Among employees in
precarious employment, those with multiple jobs may face additional health risks, eg due to …

Distinguishing groups and exploring health differences among multiple job holders aged 45 years and older

S Bouwhuis, T Hoekstra, PM Bongers… - International Archives of …, 2019 - Springer
Purpose To identify distinct groups of older multiple job holders and to explore health
differences between these groups. Methods We selected respondents from STREAM, a …

Predictors of transitions from single to multiple job holding: Results of a longitudinal study among employees aged 45‐64 in the Netherlands

S Bouwhuis, GA Geuskens, CRL Boot… - American journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives To construct prediction models for transitions to combination multiple job holding
(MJH)(multiple jobs as an employee) and hybrid MJH (being an employee and self …

Multi-jobbing als employability-strategie

L Dorenbosch, O Boneschansker, B Fermin… - Tijdschrift voor …, 2015 - aup-online.com
Werkenden voor wie de werksituatie bestaat uit een combinatie van twee of meer banen,
vormen geen uitzondering op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. Toch weten we nog weinig …

Bringing multiple job holding out of the moonlight: understanding the heterogeneity of multiple job holders in Aotearoa New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial …

ZMJ Port - 2021 - mro.massey.ac.nz
Multiple job holding is a form of non-standard work for which research reports mixed
experiences for those individuals involved. It has been suggested that heterogeneity among …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring multiple job holding and its consequences for health and work participation

S Bouwhuis - 2020 - research.vu.nl
Background. Multiple job holding (MJH) is a common and growing phenomenon in many
countries. Little is known about experiences with MJH among older workers. The present …

[PDF][PDF] Multiple job holding in the public sector context: motivations, outcomes and implications

B Vermeeren - Gedrag and Organisatie, 2017 - researchgate.net
In this study, the relationships between multiple job holding and work attitudes
(organizational commitment, work engagement and internal and external employability) is …