Car-following models for human-driven vehicles and autonomous vehicles: A systematic review
The focus of car-following models is to analyze the microscopic characteristics of traffic
flows, with particular attention given to the interaction between adjacent vehicles. This paper …
flows, with particular attention given to the interaction between adjacent vehicles. This paper …
Toward carbon-neutral transportation electrification: A comprehensive and systematic review of eco-driving for electric vehicles
W Li, H Ding, N Xu, J Zhang - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 -
In order to forward the development of transportation electrification and reach the goal of
carbon neutrality, eco-driving techniques for electric vehicles (EVs) are widely concerned …
carbon neutrality, eco-driving techniques for electric vehicles (EVs) are widely concerned …
Development of an efficient driving strategy for connected and automated vehicles at signalized intersections: A reinforcement learning approach
The concept of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) enables instant traffic
information to be shared among vehicle networks. With this newly proposed concept, a …
information to be shared among vehicle networks. With this newly proposed concept, a …
Jointly dampening traffic oscillations and improving energy consumption with electric, connected and automated vehicles: A reinforcement learning based approach
It has been well recognized that human driver's limits, heterogeneity, and selfishness
substantially compromise the performance of our urban transport systems. In recent years, in …
substantially compromise the performance of our urban transport systems. In recent years, in …
Constructing a fundamental diagram for traffic flow with automated vehicles: Methodology and demonstration
Increasingly, commercial vehicles are equipped with automated vehicle (AV) features such
as adaptive cruise control systems. The AV feature can automatically control the headway …
as adaptive cruise control systems. The AV feature can automatically control the headway …
A recurrent neural network based microscopic car following model to predict traffic oscillation
This paper proposes a recurrent neural network based microscopic car following model that
is able to accurately capture and predict traffic oscillation. Neural network models have …
is able to accurately capture and predict traffic oscillation. Neural network models have …
Analytical formulation for explaining the variations in traffic states: A fundamental diagram modeling perspective with stochastic parameters
Despite the simplicity and practicality of (deterministic) fundamental diagram models in
highway traffic flow theory, the wide scattering effect observed in empirical data remains …
highway traffic flow theory, the wide scattering effect observed in empirical data remains …
Modeling the fundamental diagram of mixed human-driven and connected automated vehicles
Traffic flow fundamental diagram (FD) is viewed as the basis of traffic flow theory and has
various applications in transportation. However, the fundamental diagram of mixed human …
various applications in transportation. However, the fundamental diagram of mixed human …
Extending ramp metering control to mixed autonomy traffic flow with varying degrees of automation
The emergence of automated vehicles may have significant impacts on traffic flow. While
many studies suggest that fully automated vehicles can improve traffic flow by changing their …
many studies suggest that fully automated vehicles can improve traffic flow by changing their …
Analysis of mixed traffic flow with different lane management strategy for connected automated vehicles: A fundamental diagram method
This paper proposes a fundamental diagram of the mixed traffic flow for multi-lane road
segments with connected automated vehicles (CAVs) dedicated lanes based on a flexible …
segments with connected automated vehicles (CAVs) dedicated lanes based on a flexible …