Attosecond electron dynamics
We describe the recent emergence of attosecond science, assessing the present state of the
art and discussing several recent examples where attosecond electron dynamics has been …
art and discussing several recent examples where attosecond electron dynamics has been …
Tracing and controlling electronic dynamics in atoms and molecules by attosecond pulses
LY Peng, WC Jiang, JW Geng, WH **ong, Q Gong - Physics Reports, 2015 - Elsevier
In this review, we will focus on the theoretical aspects in observing and controlling the
electronic dynamics in few-electron atoms and molecules by attosecond pulses in different …
electronic dynamics in few-electron atoms and molecules by attosecond pulses in different …
Few-cycle pulse generation in an x-ray free-electron laser
A method is proposed to generate trains of few-cycle x-ray pulses from a free-electron laser
(FEL) amplifier via a compact “afterburner” extension consisting of several few-period …
(FEL) amplifier via a compact “afterburner” extension consisting of several few-period …
Imaging of carrier-envelope phase effects in above-threshold ionization with intense few-cycle laser fields
Sub-femtosecond control of the electron emission in above-threshold ionization of the rare
gases Ar, Xe and Kr in intense few-cycle laser fields is reported with full angular resolution …
gases Ar, Xe and Kr in intense few-cycle laser fields is reported with full angular resolution …
Attosecond imaging
MJJ Vrakking - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
The natural timescale for electron dynamics reaches down to the attosecond domain.
Following the discovery of attosecond laser pulses, about a decade ago, attosecond science …
Following the discovery of attosecond laser pulses, about a decade ago, attosecond science …
Attosecond pulse carrier-envelope phase effects on ionized electron momentum and energy distributions: roles of frequency, intensity and an additional IR pulse
The effects of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of a few-cycle attosecond pulse on ionized
electron momentum and energy spectra are analyzed, both with and without an additional …
electron momentum and energy spectra are analyzed, both with and without an additional …
Time-dependent -matrix theory for ultrafast atomic processes
MA Lysaght, HW Van der Hart, PG Burke - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2009 - APS
We describe an ab initio nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory for ultrafast atomic
processes. This theory enables investigations of the interaction of few-femtosecond and …
processes. This theory enables investigations of the interaction of few-femtosecond and …
Time-resolved excited-state analysis of molecular electron dynamics by TDDFT and Bethe–Salpeter equation formalisms
In this work, a theoretical and computational set of tools to study and analyze time-resolved
electron dynamics in molecules, under the influence of one or more external pulses, is …
electron dynamics in molecules, under the influence of one or more external pulses, is …
Angle-resolved electron spectra in short-pulse two-color XUVIR photoionization of atoms
AK Kazansky, IP Sazhina, NM Kabachnik - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2010 - APS
Spectra and angular distributions of photoelectrons from ionization of atoms by a
combination of two short pulses in the XUV and IR range are theoretically considered. The …
combination of two short pulses in the XUV and IR range are theoretically considered. The …
Gating attosecond pulse train generation using multicolor laser fields
HC Bandulet, D Comtois, E Bisson, A Fleischer… - Physical Review A …, 2010 - APS
The process of high-order harmonic generation leads to the production of a train of
attosecond-duration extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses, with one pulse emitted per optical half …
attosecond-duration extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses, with one pulse emitted per optical half …