New CMOS-compatible platforms based on silicon nitride and Hydex for nonlinear optics
Nonlinear photonic chips can generate and process signals all-optically with far superior
performance to that possible electronically—particularly with respect to speed. Although …
performance to that possible electronically—particularly with respect to speed. Although …
Integrated optical addressing of an ion qubit
The long coherence times and strong Coulomb interactions afforded by trapped ion qubits
have enabled realizations of the necessary primitives for quantum information processing …
have enabled realizations of the necessary primitives for quantum information processing …
[HTML][HTML] Plasmonics: the next chip-scale technology
The development of chip-scale electronics and photonics has led to remarkable data
processing and transport capabilities that permeate almost every facet of our lives …
processing and transport capabilities that permeate almost every facet of our lives …
Low-loss singlemode PECVD silicon nitride photonic wire waveguides for 532–900 nm wavelength window fabricated within a CMOS pilot line
PECVD silicon nitride photonic wire waveguides have been fabricated in a CMOS pilot line.
Both clad and unclad single mode wire waveguides were measured at λ= 532, 780, and 900 …
Both clad and unclad single mode wire waveguides were measured at λ= 532, 780, and 900 …
Thermal and Kerr nonlinear properties of plasma-deposited silicon nitride/silicon dioxide waveguides
We introduce and present experimental evaluations of loss and nonlinear optical response
in a waveguide and an optical resonator, both implemented with a silicon nitride/silicon …
in a waveguide and an optical resonator, both implemented with a silicon nitride/silicon …
Photonic damascene process for low-loss, high-confinement silicon nitride waveguides
MHP Pfeiffer, C Herkommer, J Liu… - IEEE Journal of …, 2018 -
We report on fabrication of high-confinement and low loss silicon nitride (Si 3 N 4)
waveguides using the photonic Damascene process. This process scheme represents a …
waveguides using the photonic Damascene process. This process scheme represents a …
Silicon nitride CMOS-compatible platform for integrated photonics applications at visible wavelengths
Silicon nitride is demonstrated as a high performance and cost-effective solution for dense
integrated photonic circuits in the visible spectrum. Experimental results for nanophotonic …
integrated photonic circuits in the visible spectrum. Experimental results for nanophotonic …
Plasmonic nano-guides and circuits
SI Bozhevolnyi - Plasmonics and Metamaterials, 2008 -
Surface-plasmon (SP) based waveguiding configurations are considered, and
subwavelength photonic components utilizing SP modes propagating along channels cut …
subwavelength photonic components utilizing SP modes propagating along channels cut …
A high efficiency silicon nitride waveguide grating coupler with a multilayer bottom reflector
We propose a high efficiency apodized grating coupler with a bottom reflector for silicon
nitride photonic integrated circuits. The reflector consists of a stack of alternate silicon nitride …
nitride photonic integrated circuits. The reflector consists of a stack of alternate silicon nitride …
Precise and diffraction-limited waveguide-to-free-space focusing gratings
We present the design and characterization of waveguide grating devices that couple visible-
wavelength light at λ= 674 nm from single-mode, high index-contrast dielectric waveguides …
wavelength light at λ= 674 nm from single-mode, high index-contrast dielectric waveguides …