Cross-cultural management studies: state of the field in the four research paradigms

L Romani, C Barmeyer, H Primecz… - International Studies of …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Cross-cultural management research is often confined to the positivist tradition, which is
archetypically illustrated by the seminal work of Hofstede. However, this gives an incomplete …

Positivist, constructivist and critical approaches to international human resource management and some future directions

H Primecz - German Journal of Human Resource …, 2020 -
International human resource management has become a mature discipline in the last 30
years. As a sub-discipline of social sciences, international human resource management is …

Learning from multi-paradigmatic sensitivity in cross-cultural management? Empirical and theoretical considerations

S Grosskopf, C Barmeyer - International Journal of Cross …, 2021 -
Paradigms are basic assumptions about how social reality is perceived, understood and
explained. Whereas most research is based on a single paradigm, few empirical papers …

Critical cross-cultural management: outline and emerging contributions

L Romani, J Mahadevan, H Primecz - International Studies of …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Critical perspectives on cross-cultural management (CCM) are increasingly present in our
research community; however, they are spread over multiple research fields (eg …

Organizations and migrant integration: Towards a multiparadigm narrative approach

H Primecz, P Lugosi, M Zølner… - … Journal of Cross …, 2023 -
This paper explores the potential of conducting multiparadigm research within and beyond
cross-cultural management, using narratives to examine how organizations shape migrant …

A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about cross-cultural management

J Mahadevan - 2017 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City
Road London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks …

Masking, claiming and preventing innovation in cross-border B2B relationships: Neo-colonial frameworks of power in global IT industry

A Malik, J Mahadevan, P Sharma… - Journal of Business …, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes the role of innovation in cross-border business-to-business (B2B)
relationships within the born-global information technology (IT) industry to unmask the …

Paradigmatic reflections in cross-cultural management to make sense of a VUCA world

H Primecz - International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2024 -
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the concept of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty,
complexity and ambiguity) in the field of cross-cultural management. Design/methodology …

Methods of critical cross-cultural management

L Romani, J Mahadevan, H Primecz - The Sage Handbook of …, 2020 -
Two important streams of cross-cultural management (CCM) studies define culture in terms
of either values or meanings. These are the positivist and interpretivist streams (see …

When the 'well-oiled machine'meets the 'pyramid of people:'Role perceptions and hybrid working practices of middle managers in a binational organization–ARTE

C Barmeyer, E Davoine… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
This article examines the middle management representations of organization and
managerial roles within a specific bicultural organizational context. The argument explores …