Student retention and engagement in higher education

M Tight - Journal of further and Higher Education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article reports on a systematic review of research into student retention and student
engagement in higher education (HE). It discusses the origins and meaning of these terms …

Undergraduate research experiences for STEM students: Successes, challenges, and opportunities

A Stephens, K Brenner, J Gentile - 2017 -
Undergraduate research has a rich history, and many practicing researchers point to
undergraduate research experiences (UREs) as crucial to their own career success. There …

[BOOK][B] College students' sense of belonging: A key to educational success for all students

TL Strayhorn - 2018 -
This book explores how belonging differs based on students' social identities, such as race,
gender, sexual orientation, or the conditions they encounter on campus. Belonging—with …

Framing student engagement in higher education

ER Kahu - Studies in higher education, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Student engagement is widely recognised as an important influence on achievement and
learning in higher education and as such is being widely theorised and researched. This …

[BOOK][B] What matters to student success: A review of the literature

GD Kuh, JL Kinzie, JA Buckley, BK Bridges, JC Hayek - 2006 -
Creating the conditions that foster student success in college has never been more
important. As many as four-fifths of high school graduates need some form of postsecondary …

[BOOK][B] Piecing together the student success puzzle: Research, propositions, and recommendations: ASHE higher education report

GD Kuh, J Kinzie, JA Buckley, BK Bridges, JC Hayek - 2011 -
Creating the conditions that foster student success in college has never been more
important. As many as four-fifths of high school graduates need some form of postsecondary …

Improving student retention in higher education

G Crosling, M Heagney… - Australian Universities …, 2009 -
This book focuses on the significant issue in contemporary higher education of the retention
of students in their studies. In the context of student diversity, the book considers teaching …

Higher education student engagement scale (HESES): Development and psychometric evidence

KCH Zhoc, BJ Webster, RB King, JCH Li… - Research in higher …, 2019 - Springer
This study describes the development and validation of the Higher Education Student
Engagement Scale (HESES). The psychometric evaluations of the scale included:(i) factor …

Student engagement: Rhetoric and reality

P Baron, L Corbin - Higher Education Research & Development, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Recently, there has been much interest in higher education literature and policy on the
concepts of student engagement and disengagement. While most academic writings …

Students' transition into higher education from an international perspective

L Coertjens, T Brahm, C Trautwein… - Higher Education, 2017 - Springer
In introducing the special issue on students' transition into higher education, we emphasise
the importance of expanding our understanding of students' enculturation in higher …