Spatio-temporal variations of marine biofilm communities colonizing artificial substrata including antifouling coatings in contrasted French coastal environments
Surface colonization in seawater first corresponds to the selection of specific microbial
biofilm communities. By coupling flow cytometry, microscopy and high throughput …
biofilm communities. By coupling flow cytometry, microscopy and high throughput …
Marine plankton community and net primary production responding to island-trapped waves in a stratified oligotrophic ecosystem
Abstract The oligotrophic Adriatic Sea is characterized during a typical summer by low
productivity caused by strong water column stratification, which inhibits vertical mixing and …
productivity caused by strong water column stratification, which inhibits vertical mixing and …
Environmental changes associated with drying climate are expected to affect functional groups of pro-and microeukaryotes differently in temporary saline waters
Temporary ponds are among the most sensitive aquatic habitats to climate change. Their
microbial communities have crucial roles in food webs and biogeochemical cycling, yet how …
microbial communities have crucial roles in food webs and biogeochemical cycling, yet how …
Will nutrient and light limitation prevent eutrophication in an anthropogenically-impacted coastal lagoon?
Abstract The Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southern Portugal) is a highly productive and
valuable temperate ecosystem, subjected to strong anthropogenic impacts and highly …
valuable temperate ecosystem, subjected to strong anthropogenic impacts and highly …
Spatio-temporal reproducibility of the microbial food web structure associated with the change in temperature: Long-term observations in the Adriatic Sea
Global and atmospheric climate change is altering the thermal conditions in the Adriatic Sea
and, consequently, the marine ecosystem. Along the eastern Adriatic coast sea surface …
and, consequently, the marine ecosystem. Along the eastern Adriatic coast sea surface …
Changing ecological conditions in the marine environment generate different microbial food web structures in a repeatable manner
The mechanisms responsible for the development of various structural and functional
features of the microbial food web (MFW) and their dynamics at spatial and temporal scales …
features of the microbial food web (MFW) and their dynamics at spatial and temporal scales …
Analysis of the influence of seasonal water column dynamics on the relationship between marine viruses and microbial food web components using an artificial neural …
Artificial neural network analysis (ANN) is used to study the seasonal distribution of viruses
and microbial food web (MFW) components in the open Adriatic Sea. The effect of viruses …
and microbial food web (MFW) components in the open Adriatic Sea. The effect of viruses …
First Record of the Alien Tintinnid Ciliate Rhizodomus tagatzi Strelkow and Wirketis 1950 in the Adriatic Sea
The tintinnid ciliate Rhizodomus tagatzi has spread rapidly in recent decades in neritic areas
of the Mediterranean and adjacent seas, where it is classified as a non-indigenous species …
of the Mediterranean and adjacent seas, where it is classified as a non-indigenous species …
Impact of water column stability dynamics on the succession of plankton food web types in the offshore area of the Adriatic Sea
Vertical mixing and stratification are among the most important physical processes
controlling nutrient dynamics, the dominant category of primary producers and consequently …
controlling nutrient dynamics, the dominant category of primary producers and consequently …
Impact of the 3 C temperature rise on bacterial growth and carbon transfer towards higher trophic levels: empirical models for the Adriatic Sea
Abstract The Mediterranean Sea (including the Adriatic Sea) has been identified as a
'hotspot'for climate change, with the prediction of the increase in water temperature of 2–4° …
'hotspot'for climate change, with the prediction of the increase in water temperature of 2–4° …