Terahertz ratchet in graphene two-dimensional metamaterial formed by a patterned gate with an antidot array
We report the observation of the terahertz-induced ratchet effect in graphene-based two-
dimensional (2D) metamaterials. The metamaterial consists of a graphite gate patterned with …
dimensional (2D) metamaterials. The metamaterial consists of a graphite gate patterned with …
Photocurrents induced by structured light
Advances in manipulating the structure of optical beams enable the study of interaction
between structured light and low-dimensional semiconductor systems. We explore the …
between structured light and low-dimensional semiconductor systems. We explore the …
Terahertz photogalvanics in twisted bilayer graphene close to the second magic angle
We report on the observation of photogalvanic effects in tBLG with a twist angle of 0.6°. We
show that excitation of the tBLG bulk causes a photocurrent, whose sign and magnitude are …
show that excitation of the tBLG bulk causes a photocurrent, whose sign and magnitude are …
[HTML][HTML] Regulating Terahertz Photoconductivity in Two-Dimensional Materials
Two-dimensional materials represented by graphene have attracted extensive interest
owing to the unique layer-dependent physical properties that are tunable with various …
owing to the unique layer-dependent physical properties that are tunable with various …
Terahertz photocurrent probe of quantum geometry and interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Moir\'e materials represent strongly interacting electron systems bridging topological and
correlated physics. Despite significant advances, decoding wavefunction properties …
correlated physics. Despite significant advances, decoding wavefunction properties …
Superlinear Photogalvanic Effects in ((: Probing Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Surface States at Room Temperature
We report on the observation of a complex nonlinear intensity dependence of the circular
and linear photogalvanic currents induced by infrared radiation in compensated (Bi 0.3 Sb …
and linear photogalvanic currents induced by infrared radiation in compensated (Bi 0.3 Sb …
Nonlinear intensity dependence of edge photocurrents in graphene induced by terahertz radiation
We report on the observation of terahertz-radiation-induced edge photogalvanic currents in
graphene, which are nonlinear in intensity. The increase of the radiation intensities up to …
graphene, which are nonlinear in intensity. The increase of the radiation intensities up to …
Photovoltaic Hall effect in the two-dimensional electron gas: Kinetic theory
We study theoretically transverse photoconductivity induced by circularly polarized radiation,
ie, the photovoltaic Hall effect, and linearly polarized radiation causing intraband optical …
ie, the photovoltaic Hall effect, and linearly polarized radiation causing intraband optical …
Gate-controlled polarization-resolving mid-infrared detection at metal–graphene junctions
The ability to resolve the polarization of light with on-chip devices represents an urgent
problem in optoelectronics. The detectors with polarization resolution demonstrated so far …
problem in optoelectronics. The detectors with polarization resolution demonstrated so far …
Edge photogalvanic effect caused by optical alignment of carrier momenta in two-dimensional Dirac materials
We show that the interband absorption of radiation in a two-dimensional (2D) Dirac material
leads to a direct electric current flowing at sample edges. The photocurrent originates from …
leads to a direct electric current flowing at sample edges. The photocurrent originates from …