[HTML][HTML] Towards multi-model soil erosion modelling: An evaluation of the erosion potential method (EPM) for global soil erosion assessments
Soil erosion is expected to increase in the future due to climate change. Soil erosion models
are useful tools that can be used by decision makers and other stakeholders to deal with soil …
are useful tools that can be used by decision makers and other stakeholders to deal with soil …
Assessment of the erosion and outflow intensity in the Rif region under different land use and land cover scenarios
The port of Tangier Med is essential due to its strategic location, as it is an important trading
center linking Europe, North America, and Africa. However, the increased rates of …
center linking Europe, North America, and Africa. However, the increased rates of …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-instrumental approach to slope failure monitoring in a landslide susceptible newly built-up area: Topo-Geodetic survey, UAV 3D modelling and ground …
Slope failures and landslides cause economic damage and deaths worldwide. These losses
can be minimized by integrating different methodologies, instruments, and data monitoring …
can be minimized by integrating different methodologies, instruments, and data monitoring …
Land degradation and soil conservation measures in the Moldavian Plateau, Eastern Romania: A case study from the Racova Catchment
Land degradation by soil erosion, gullying and landslides and reservoir sedimentation is a
major environmental threat in the Moldavian Plateau of eastern Romania. The widespread …
major environmental threat in the Moldavian Plateau of eastern Romania. The widespread …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling water erosion and mass movements (Wet) by using GIS-based multi-hazard susceptibility assessment approaches: A case study—Kratovska Reka …
Kratovska Reka is a short (17.3 km) left tributary of Kriva Reka, whose watershed (68.5 km2)
is located on the northwestern slopes of the Osogovo Mountains (North Macedonia). Due to …
is located on the northwestern slopes of the Osogovo Mountains (North Macedonia). Due to …
Geodetic and UAV monitoring in the sustainable management of shallow landslides and erosion of a susceptible urban environment
Landslides are a worldwide occurring hazard that can produce economic impact and even
fatalities. The collection and monitoring of data regarding active landslides are important for …
fatalities. The collection and monitoring of data regarding active landslides are important for …
[HTML][HTML] Soil erosion assessment using the intensity of erosion and outflow model by estimating sediment yield: Case study in river basins with different characteristics …
As the fertile topsoil is constantly washed away and agricultural production is decreased,
soil erosion is a serious environmental issue that affects the entire planet. All river basins …
soil erosion is a serious environmental issue that affects the entire planet. All river basins …
[PDF][PDF] Bilas, co
P Sestras, T Sălăgean - 2022 - academia.edu
Slope failures and landslides cause economic damage and deaths worldwide. These losses
can be minimized by integrating different methodologies, instruments, and data monitoring …
can be minimized by integrating different methodologies, instruments, and data monitoring …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding Flood and Drought Extremes Under a Changing Climate in the Blue Nile Basin: A review
Extreme flood and drought events arise from temporal and spatial variations in the Earth's
water cycle, significantly affecting water resources and the environment. This review aimed …
water cycle, significantly affecting water resources and the environment. This review aimed …
Soil Water erosion modeling in Tunisia using RUSLE and GIS integrated approaches and Geospatial Data
Soil erosion is an important environmental problem that can have various negative
consequences, such as land degradation, which affects sustainable development and …
consequences, such as land degradation, which affects sustainable development and …