Physical applications of GPS geodesy: A review
Geodesy, the oldest science, has become an important discipline in the geosciences, in
large part by enhancing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities over the last 35 years …
large part by enhancing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities over the last 35 years …
Real-time seismic intensity measurements prediction for earthquake early warning: A systematic literature review
Z Cheng, C Peng, M Chen - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
With the gradual development of and improvement in earthquake early warning systems
(EEWS), more accurate real-time seismic intensity measurements (IMs) methods are needed …
(EEWS), more accurate real-time seismic intensity measurements (IMs) methods are needed …
Earthquake magnitude calculation without saturation from the scaling of peak ground displacement
GPS instruments are noninertial and directly measure displacements with respect to a global
reference frame, while inertial sensors are affected by systematic offsets—primarily tilting …
reference frame, while inertial sensors are affected by systematic offsets—primarily tilting …
A new seismogeodetic approach applied to GPS and accelerometer observations of the 2012 Brawley seismic swarm: Implications for earthquake early warning
The 26 August 2012 Brawley seismic swarm of hundreds of events ranging from M1. 4 to
M5. 5 in the Salton Trough, California provides a unique data set to investigate a new …
M5. 5 in the Salton Trough, California provides a unique data set to investigate a new …
Peak ground displacement saturates exactly when expected: Implications for earthquake early warning
The scaling of rupture properties with magnitude is of critical importance to earthquake early
warning systems that rely on source characterization using limited snapshots of waveform …
warning systems that rely on source characterization using limited snapshots of waveform …
Kinematic earthquake source inversion and tsunami runup prediction with regional geophysical data
Rapid near‐source earthquake source modeling relying only on strong motion data is
limited by instrumental offsets and magnitude saturation, adversely affecting subsequent …
limited by instrumental offsets and magnitude saturation, adversely affecting subsequent …
Kinematic rupture scenarios and synthetic displacement data: An example application to the Cascadia subduction zone
Scenario ruptures and ground motion simulation are important tools for studies of expected
earthquake and tsunami hazards during future events. This is particularly important for large …
earthquake and tsunami hazards during future events. This is particularly important for large …
Earthquake magnitude scaling using seismogeodetic data
The combination of GPS and strong‐motion data to estimate seismogeodetic waveforms
creates a data set that is sensitive to the entire spectrum of ground displacement and the full …
creates a data set that is sensitive to the entire spectrum of ground displacement and the full …
Demonstration of the Cascadia G‐FAST geodetic earthquake early warning system for the Nisqually, Washington, earthquake
ABSTRACT A prototype earthquake early warning (EEW) system is currently in development
in the Pacific Northwest. We have taken a two‐stage approach to EEW:(1) detection and …
in the Pacific Northwest. We have taken a two‐stage approach to EEW:(1) detection and …
A global database of strong‐motion displacement GNSS recordings and an example application to PGD scaling
Displacement waveforms derived from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data
have become more commonly used by seismologists in the past 15 yrs. Unlike strong …
have become more commonly used by seismologists in the past 15 yrs. Unlike strong …