Chinese stalagmite paleoclimate researches: A review and perspective

H Cheng, H Zhang, J Zhao, H Li, Y Ning… - Science China Earth …, 2019 - Springer
Stalagmite is one kind of secondary carbonates formed in limestone caves (speleothem).
After cave water droplets containing Ca 2+ and HCO _3^-HCO 3− drip onto floor, carbonate …

The Holocene history of the North American Monsoon:'known knowns' and 'known unknowns' in understanding its spatial and temporal complexity

SE Metcalfe, JA Barron, SJ Davies - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Evidence for climatic change across the North American Monsoon (NAM) and adjacent
areas is reviewed, drawing on continental and marine records and the application of climate …

A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis… - Scientific data, 2020 -
A comprehensive database of paleoclimate records is needed to place recent warming into
the longer-term context of natural climate variability. We present a global compilation of …

Main controls on the stable carbon isotope composition of speleothems

J Fohlmeister, NRG Voarintsoa, FA Lechleitner… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier
The climatic controls on the stable carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) of speleothem
carbonate are less often discussed in the scientific literature in contrast to the frequently …

Advancements in the use of speleothems as climate archives

CI Wong, DO Breecker - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Speleothems have become a cornerstone of the approach to better understanding Earth's
climatic teleconnections due to their precise absolute chronologies, their continuous or …

Tree rings reveal unmatched 2nd century drought in the Colorado River Basin

S Gangopadhyay, CA Woodhouse… - Geophysical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The ongoing 22‐year drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) has been
extremely severe, even in the context of the longest available tree‐ring reconstruction of …

Human-induced changes in the distribution of rainfall

AE Putnam, WS Broecker - Science Advances, 2017 -
A likely consequence of global warming will be the redistribution of Earth's rain belts,
affecting water availability for many of Earth's inhabitants. We consider three ways in which …

North Pacific atmospheric rivers and their influence on western North America at the Last Glacial Maximum

JM Lora, JL Mitchell, C Risi… - Geophysical Research …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Southwestern North America was wetter than present during the Last Glacial
Maximum. The causes of increased water availability have been recently debated, and …

The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems

K Atsawawaranunt, L Comas-Bru… - Earth System …, 2018 -
Stable isotope records from speleothems provide information on past climate changes, most
particularly information that can be used to reconstruct past changes in precipitation and …

The deglacial forest conundrum

A Dallmeyer, T Kleinen, M Claussen, N Weitzel… - Nature …, 2022 -
Abstract How fast the Northern Hemisphere (NH) forest biome tracks strongly warming
climates is largely unknown. Regional studies reveal lags between decades and millennia …