Security and privacy for low power iot devices on 5g and beyond networks: Challenges and future directions
The growth in the use of small sensor devices, commonly known as the Internet of Things
(IoT), has resulted in unprecedented amounts of data being generated and captured. With …
(IoT), has resulted in unprecedented amounts of data being generated and captured. With …
[HTML][HTML] Diversification and obfuscation techniques for software security: A systematic literature review
Context: Diversification and obfuscation are promising techniques for securing software and
protecting computers from harmful malware. The goal of these techniques is not removing …
protecting computers from harmful malware. The goal of these techniques is not removing …
SoK: Automated software diversity
The idea of automatic software diversity is at least two decades old. The deficiencies of
currently deployed defenses and the transition to online software distribution (the" App store" …
currently deployed defenses and the transition to online software distribution (the" App store" …
From patches to honey-patches: Lightweight attacker misdirection, deception, and disinformation
Traditional software security patches often have the unfortunate side-effect of quickly alerting
attackers that their attempts to exploit patched vulnerabilities have failed. Attackers greatly …
attackers that their attempts to exploit patched vulnerabilities have failed. Attackers greatly …
PatchScope: Memory object centric patch diffing
Software patching is one of the most significant mechanisms to combat vulnerabilities. To
demystify underlying patch details, the techniques of patch differential analysis (aka patch …
demystify underlying patch details, the techniques of patch differential analysis (aka patch …
Security through diversity: Are we there yet?
Because most software attacks rely on predictable behavior on the target platform, mass
distribution of identical software facilitates mass exploitation. Countermeasures include …
distribution of identical software facilitates mass exploitation. Countermeasures include …
Artemis: Defanging Software Supply Chain Attacks in Multi-repository Update Systems
Modern software installation tools often use packages from more than one repository,
presenting a unique set of security challenges. Such a configuration increases the risk of …
presenting a unique set of security challenges. Such a configuration increases the risk of …
Feedback-driven binary code diversification
As described in many blog posts and in the scientific literature, exploits for software
vulnerabilities are often engineered on the basis of patches. For example,“Microsoft Patch …
vulnerabilities are often engineered on the basis of patches. For example,“Microsoft Patch …
Software protection with code mobility
The analysis of binary code is a common step of Man-At-The-End attacks to identify code
sections crucial to implement attacks, such as identifying private key hidden in the code …
sections crucial to implement attacks, such as identifying private key hidden in the code …
Evaluation methodologies in software protection research
Man-at-the-end (MATE) attackers have full control over the system on which the attacked
software runs, and try to break the confidentiality or integrity of assets embedded in the …
software runs, and try to break the confidentiality or integrity of assets embedded in the …