Quantum machine learning for chemistry and physics
Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a formidable force for identifying hidden but
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …
A review of quantum cellular automata
T Farrelly - Quantum, 2020 - quantum-journal.org
Discretizing spacetime is often a natural step towards modelling physical systems. For
quantum systems, if we also demand a strict bound on the speed of information propagation …
quantum systems, if we also demand a strict bound on the speed of information propagation …
Quantum circuits assisted by local operations and classical communication: Transformations and phases of matter
We introduce deterministic state-transformation protocols between many-body quantum
states that can be implemented by low-depth quantum circuits followed by local operations …
states that can be implemented by low-depth quantum circuits followed by local operations …
Emerging two-dimensional gauge theories in Rydberg configurable arrays
Solving strongly coupled gauge theories in two or three spatial dimensions is of fundamental
importance in several areas of physics ranging from high-energy physics to condensed …
importance in several areas of physics ranging from high-energy physics to condensed …
Quantum many-body spin ratchets
Introducing a class of SU (2) invariant quantum unitary circuits generating chiral transport,
we examine the role of broken space-reflection and time-reversal symmetries on spin …
we examine the role of broken space-reflection and time-reversal symmetries on spin …
Three-dimensional quantum cellular automata from chiral semion surface topological order and beyond
We construct a novel three-dimensional quantum cellular automaton (QCA) based on a
system with short-range entangled bulk and chiral semion boundary topological order. We …
system with short-range entangled bulk and chiral semion boundary topological order. We …
Bounds in nonequilibrium quantum dynamics
We review various bounds concerning out-of-equilibrium dynamics in few-level and many-
body quantum systems. We primarily focus on closed quantum systems but will also mention …
body quantum systems. We primarily focus on closed quantum systems but will also mention …
Crystalline quantum circuits
Random quantum circuits continue to inspire a wide range of applications in quantum
information science and many-body quantum physics, while remaining analytically tractable …
information science and many-body quantum physics, while remaining analytically tractable …
Quantum cellular automata, tensor networks, and area laws
Quantum cellular automata are unitary maps that preserve locality and respect causality. We
identify them, in any dimension, with simple tensor networks (projected entangled pair …
identify them, in any dimension, with simple tensor networks (projected entangled pair …
Triunitary quantum circuits
We introduce a class of quantum circuits that are unitary along three distinct “arrows of time.”
These dynamics share some of the analytical tractability of “dual-unitary” circuits, while …
These dynamics share some of the analytical tractability of “dual-unitary” circuits, while …