Terrestrial pollutant runoff to the Great Barrier Reef: an update of issues, priorities and management responses
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is a World Heritage Area and contains extensive areas of
coral reef, seagrass meadows and fisheries resources. From adjacent catchments …
coral reef, seagrass meadows and fisheries resources. From adjacent catchments …
Fine sediment and particulate organic matter: A review and case study on ridge-to-reef transport, transformations, fates, and impacts on marine ecosystems
Studies documenting the effects of land-derived suspended particulate matter (SPM, ie,
particulate organic matter and mineral sediment) on marine ecosystems are typically …
particulate organic matter and mineral sediment) on marine ecosystems are typically …
Insights from extreme coral reefs in a changing world
Coral reefs are one of the most biodiverse and economically important ecosystems in the
world, but they are rapidly degrading due to the effects of global climate change and local …
world, but they are rapidly degrading due to the effects of global climate change and local …
A critical analysis of the direct effects of dredging on fish
Dredging can have significant impacts on aquatic environments, but the direct effects on fish
have not been critically evaluated. Here, a meta‐analysis following a conservative approach …
have not been critically evaluated. Here, a meta‐analysis following a conservative approach …
[KNJIGA][B] Great barrier reef outlook report 2019
GBRMP Authority - 2019 - elibrary.gbrmpa.gov.au
8.1 Background Resilience, in the broadest sense, is the capacity of a system to absorb
disturbance and reorganise so as to retain essentially the same structure, function, identity …
disturbance and reorganise so as to retain essentially the same structure, function, identity …
Relating sediment impacts on coral reefs to watershed sources, processes and management: A review
Modification of terrestrial sediment fluxes can result in increased sedimentation and turbidity
in receiving waters, with detrimental impacts on coral reef ecosystems. Preventing …
in receiving waters, with detrimental impacts on coral reef ecosystems. Preventing …
[HTML][HTML] Changes in water clarity in response to river discharges on the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf: 2002–2013
Water clarity is a key factor for the health of marine ecosystems. The Australian Great Barrier
Reef (GBR) is located on a continental shelf, with> 35 major seasonal rivers discharging into …
Reef (GBR) is located on a continental shelf, with> 35 major seasonal rivers discharging into …
Exposure of clownfish larvae to suspended sediment levels found on the Great Barrier Reef: impacts on gill structure and microbiome
Worldwide, increasing coastal development has played a major role in sha** coral reef
species assemblages, but the mechanisms underpinning distribution patterns remain poorly …
species assemblages, but the mechanisms underpinning distribution patterns remain poorly …
Spatial variation in the functional characteristics of herbivorous fish communities and the resilience of coral reefs
Many ecosystems face degradation unless factors that underpin their resilience can be
effectively managed. In tropical reef ecosystems, grazing by herbivorous fishes can prevent …
effectively managed. In tropical reef ecosystems, grazing by herbivorous fishes can prevent …
Logging degrades nursery habitat for an iconic coral reef fish
The loss of nursery habitats is widely believed to contribute disproportionally to declines in
abundance and productivity of fish populations. However, it has been difficult to establish …
abundance and productivity of fish populations. However, it has been difficult to establish …