International students' views on local culture: Turkish experience
Y Çetin, M Bahar, C Griffiths - Journal of International Students, 2017 - books.google.com
The number of international students in Turkey has steadily increased in recent years. As
they come from different geographical locations, their successful adaptation to a medium …
they come from different geographical locations, their successful adaptation to a medium …
[HTML][HTML] Gestión de los expatriados. Elementos clave del proceso para las empresas en entornos internacionales
YV Polanco Pantoja - Revista Universidad y Empresa, 2018 - scielo.org.co
Actualmente, la expatriación es una práctica común, llevada a cabo por las empresas que
han logrado la internacionalización. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión teórica …
han logrado la internacionalización. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión teórica …
[PDF][PDF] Culture shock as part of a cultural diversity training programme in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO): a critical analysis
A Brewis - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Government departments operating abroad face major cultural constraints (Imoh 2015: 47).
Due to their working environment, employees in these departments, such as diplomats …
Due to their working environment, employees in these departments, such as diplomats …
A mixed methods approach for assessing student and staff perceptions and experiences of a new collaborative transnational pharmacy programme
PN Wong - 2017 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
This doctoral thesis reports on a longitudinal, mixed methods investigation of staff and
students' views, expectations, and experiences of a collaborative pharmacy programme …
students' views, expectations, and experiences of a collaborative pharmacy programme …
La gestión de los expatriados como base del éxito del proceso de internacionalización de la empresa. Una aproximación mediante el análisis de la experiencia de …
CS Robles Lastra - buleria.unileon.es
Este trabajo analiza la figura del expatriado y la importancia que tiene su gestión para las
empresas que deciden iniciar un proceso de expansión internacional y asignar empleados …
empresas que deciden iniciar un proceso de expansión internacional y asignar empleados …
[PDF][PDF] Unpacking: An international teacher's exploration into life and learning abroad
M Bond - Unpublished Master Dissertation). Queen's …, 2013 - qspace.library.queensu.ca
With the growth of globalization, people and cultures are coming together like never before.
As an international teacher, I am an example of this phenomenon. After six years abroad, the …
As an international teacher, I am an example of this phenomenon. After six years abroad, the …
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 on effective government institutions–a proposed training programme for South African diplomats to minimise culture …
A Brewis, NI Makamu - Journal of Public Administration, 2020 - journals.co.za
An effective cultural diversity training programme for South African diplomats could
contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, since it could …
contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, since it could …
A Training Programme to Minimise Culture Shock Among South African Diplomats
Diplomats deployed abroad are expected by their employer to work effectively in a cross-
cultural environment. The effects of culture shock on a diplomat, or any person being …
cultural environment. The effects of culture shock on a diplomat, or any person being …
[CITÁCIA][C] Analiza medkulturne inteligentnosti in občutljivosti na primeru Slovenije in Južne Koreje: magistrska naloga
S Rušnik - 2024 - revis.openscience.si
Magistrska naloga proučuje in vrednoti koncepta medkulturne inteligentnosti in medkulturne
občutljivosti na primeru Slovenije in Južne Koreje. Koncepta igrata pomembno vlogo pri …
občutljivosti na primeru Slovenije in Južne Koreje. Koncepta igrata pomembno vlogo pri …